~Chapter 47~

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Josephine absentmindedly traces shapes on her desk, the soft morning light filtering through her room on Christmas day

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Josephine absentmindedly traces shapes on her desk, the soft morning light filtering through her room on Christmas day. Despite rising early, she remains in her room until both James and Sirius are awake. There are times when she feels like a stranger in her own home, her sense of belonging heightened when accompanied by either Sirius or James.

Her gaze shifts, landing upon the neatly wrapped pile of gifts, a task she had completed earlier this morning. A swift scan of her room reveals a tidily made bed adorned with an assortment of stuffed animals. The comforter boasts a serene blue hue, while the pillows showcase an array of darker shades. Framed paintings adorn her walls, each enveloped in sleek black frames.

Josie's eyes travel across the room, settling on the desk at which she sits. The wooden surface bears a rich black stain, and a stack of books resides on one side, pressed dried flowers adorning the adjacent wall. Nestled in a corner is a bookshelf, meticulously arranged with a cozy seat facing it—a reading nook she had meticulously crafted at the age of twelve. Decorations grace the bookshelf, including faux flowers in vases and a crown adorned with blue gemstones.

The crown holds a special place in her heart, evoking memories of a beloved character. It has found its home next to the books that feature this cherished figure. As her thoughts meander, a  tap resonates through the room, drawing her attention to the window.

Turning her head, Josie's furrowed brows soften as she spots an owl perched outside. With a silent grace, she slides the window open, the owl extending a delicate peck as she retrieves the letter it holds.

Hello Josephine,

I hope you're having a pleasant Christmas. I wanted to reassure you that I am well, I could almost feel your worries even though we are far apart.

While we don't often delve into our respective home lives, I suspect Sirius may have shared some insights with you. Please rest assured, I am fine.

My intent is to ensure you're alright. Enjoy your day, Josephine.


A heartwarming smile graces Josie's lips as she reads the letter, stifling a joyful exclamation with her hand.

With deliberate care, she slides the letter into one of her desk drawers, reserving the act of composing her response for later in the day. An intuition whispers that James might come pounding on her door imminently, a notion that is swiftly validated as his voice reverberates through the woodwork.

"Josie!" His cry echoes, accompanied by a rattle of the doorknob, met with the resistance of her locking spell. It is a small enchantment, a minor use of magic beyond the school environment, unlikely to raise the Ministry's scrutiny.

James' exuberance momentarily blinds him to the possibilities of his own magical prowess, a fact Josie finds rather amusing. "Josie!!" His plea rings out once more, the urgency underscoring his desire.

She steps forward, her wand retrieved from the pocket of her pajama pants with a fluid motion. A simple swish, and the door's resistance yields to her magic. "Presents time!" James proclaims with a grin, racing off towards the staircase, leaving Josie to roll her eyes in response.

As she gathers the presents into a bag, preparing for the familial gift exchange, Sirius emerges from his own room, offering her a genuine smile. "Good morning, Sirius," she greets as they embark on their descent down the stairs.

"Good morning" returning the gesture, Sirius inquires playfully, "Was that Regulus' owl I saw outside earlier?" Caught off-guard, Josie briefly falters.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," she retorts before dashing down the steps, the challenge hanging in the air as she leaves him in her wake. Sirius, undeterred, launches into pursuit. "You have to tell me, little Potter!"

With a laugh, she hurls the bag of gifts toward the festive Christmas tree, then seeks refuge behind her mother, a strategic move to shield herself from Sirius' inquisitive pursuit. Euphemia's voice rings out with a gentle warning "Sirius."

Sirius, though audibly disgruntled, capitulates and takes a seat on the sofa. Josie, victorious in her evasion, assumes a comfortable distance from him, a playful smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

In the kitchen, her father and James are likely indulging their sweet tooths. The resonating command of her mother beckons them, and Josie laughs as James bursts forth, heading straight for the array of presents with unabashed enthusiasm.

A few moments later, they all begin unveiling their gifts. She unwraps a selection of new clothes, courtesy of her parents, receives a stack of books and strawberry-scented delights from James, and is pleasantly surprised by a pair of boots from Sirius.

Once the flurry of gift-opening subsides, her mother makes a delightful entrance with steaming mugs of hot chocolate.

Shortly thereafter, the rest of James' companions arrive, prompting Josie to contemplate a discreet retreat to her room. Just as she is about to slip away, Sirius gently clasps her hand, prompting her to turn toward him.

"Is Regulus doing alright?" His eyes betray a deep concern.

"Yes," she assures him, watching as his previously tense shoulders visibly relax.

"Thank you, Josie." With a brief peck on her cheek, he hastens back to Remus.

Resuming her course, Josie climbs the stairs and settles down to compose a response to Regulus' letter.

Dear Regulus,

Why is your handwriting so good? Anyway, switching topics, my Christmas is delightful. I got a lot of books.

As for your house, I'm aware of the circumstances. After all, I'm the one who stumbled upon Sirius after he left. I'm not going to assume anything as I want to hear it from you.

I'm holding up well, all things considered. My father seems to have perfected the art of ignoring me or pretending I don't exist, which is okay I guess.

Wishing you a splendid day.


I hope you all have a good day/night!! please vote and comment!!

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