~Chapter 124~

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Her gaze shifts down to her hands, marred by burns and scratches

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Her gaze shifts down to her hands, marred by burns and scratches. A frown creases her brow before she returns her attention to Evan's letter.


How's your summer going? Mine's exhausting; father won't stop complaining about whatever is going on in the Daily Prophet.

Anyway, have you heard from Pandora? I haven't, and well, I'm worrying.

Hope you're having a good summer, Josette.

Your best friend, Evan.

A soft chuckle escapes her lips at the end. Josie neatly folds the letter, intending to reply after her first day of work. The absence of any word from Pandora troubles her; she hopes her friend is safe.

Nervousness flutters in her stomach, though the people at work seem welcoming. This time, staring at her reflection in the mirror, Josephine scrutinizes her features, finding fault in each one.

She ponders why Regulus thinks she is beautiful. Maybe his use of "pretty girl" is merely a jest. But something about him suggests he isn't one for such humor, not to this extent.

Why, today of all days, does a wave of sadness wash over her? Realizing she is on the brink of tears, she averts her gaze.

Heading to her trunk, she confirms the horcrux bag is secure, a silent mantra of "Pretend. Pretend. Pretend." echoing in her mind.

Eventually, she departs her room and reaches the kitchen, the early hour ensuring Alora and Karina are still asleep. Josie scribbles a note about her departure for work before leaving the house, despite it being earlier than necessary.

Avoiding the monotony of staying indoors, she embarks on a walk, veering closer toward the forest rather than sticking to the road.

Thoughts of Regulus occupy her mind. A snapped branch from behind makes her freeze.

Please, not Tom. Please, not Tom.

Turning around, she finds herself face to face with a small child.

A girl, around seven years old, stands a few feet away, her wide eyes fixed on Josephine.

"Hello," Josie greets softly, feeling a slight unease; she isn't accustomed to interacting with children, having little experience.

The girl has tangles of dirty blonde hair obscuring glimpses of green eyes. Her attire seems weathered, as though worn over many years.

Furrowing her brows, Josie takes a tentative step closer, prompting the girl to flinch back instinctively.

"I'm sorry," Josie quickly apologizes, stepping back in response.

Pondering for a moment, she offers, "Do you want some food?" Her bag holds snacks, though she rarely indulges in them.

The child nods hesitantly. Josie reaches into her bag, retrieves the snacks, and holds them out, bending down slightly.

Drawing nearer, the girl cautiously points at one of the items. Josie manages a faint smile. "You can have it all," she says, passing the assortment to the girl.

Wide-eyed, the girl marvels at the food in her hands.

"Are you alright, though? Should I help you find your parents?" Josie inquires.

Looking up, the girl replies softly, "I am fine. My sister takes care of me; she's at work now, though. Thank you for the food." With a smile, the girl turns and wanders deeper into the forest without a backward glance.

Josie watches her depart, a sense of concern lingering. However, she has to make her way to the cafe now, lest she be late.


Midway through her first day, Josephine finds herself navigating a job where the coworkers are pleasant but the customers, less so.

Numerous patrons raise their voices at her, often over matters entirely beyond her control. It's her first shift, after all.

Grateful for the respite of her break, she settles at an outdoor table, observing passersby absorbed in their own worlds.

Ash approaches, taking a seat across from her. "Rough first day?" he inquires, sipping from his cup.

"Not terrible, just not used to being yelled at so much," she confesses, rubbing her temples to quell a burgeoning headache.

"The elderly are quite fond of raising their voices," Ash remarks wryly.

She chuckles. Though Ash seems amiable, his flirtatious nature extends universally, as witnessed by his banter with an elderly man earlier.

"So," Ash leans in, propping his head on his hand, "anyone special in your life? Emmie and I are both very much single—"

Suppressing laughter behind her hand, Josie spots Emmie looming behind Ash, a glaring presence.

"Please tell me Emmie isn't right behind me," Ash mutters.

Emmie steps forward, still wearing her stern expression. "Quit trying to set me up," she admonishes Ash.

Wearing an innocent smile, Ash counters, "I was just helping both of us!"

As their playful dispute unfolds, Josie diverts her attention to her hands, silently scolding herself for exacerbating their state by picking at her nails.

"Josie?" Emmie's voice draws her gaze.

"Yes?" she responds.

Emmie hands her an unnoticed cup of tea. "Here," she offers with a small smile.

"Thank you," Josie says gratefully. Emmie's smile persists briefly before she pulls Ash back into the building, leaving Josie to chuckle softly while sipping the tea.

Attempting to concentrate solely on the present, she pushes thoughts of an impending meeting with Tom to the periphery. Pretending indifference is a challenge; caring deeply for others is ingrained within her.

Savoring another sip of tea, she makes a conscious effort to clear her mind of impending concerns.

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