✩ surprise ✩

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"Hello, we're here for the star program conference." Emz said, with confidence. The woman at the desk looked at them, asking for their cards. Emz handed her the card of hers, Albert handing her his. She scanned them, handing them back to them. "Go ahead, it's down that hall, room 6." She said, and they turned to wall there. The whole time, Emz was taking notice of how insanely large the building was. Albert was quite shocked by the huge size of the building. It really made him think, just how many star programs there were, and that many people would be at this conference.  "Wow.. I have to say, this conference looks quite important. It's so huge.. I can't believe it." He said, with such a loving smile. He was always proud of Emz, and even more so that she would have reached the point where one of these huge conferences was taking place. "Agreed." Emz said, with a sigh. She found the room, and looked at Albert as she was just about to open the door. "Let's do this, together." She said, grabbing his hand as she opened the door. Immediately, all eyes were on them. Cameras as well. The room was gigantic, it looked like the bloxy awards all over again. Emz waved, smiling. Then, she made her way to the sidelines, where they could find a seat. After some looking, she pointed out Kaden and Paige, where she then went to the isle of and walked down the rows. Albert walked in with her. It was overwhelming. The size, all these cameras pointing at him and Emz, he'd never been in such a situation before. He felt like he was just a small person in this event. Albert felt a little overwhelmed as he held Emz's hand, but then he saw Kaden and Paige. He then just turned to Emz with a grin. "There's Kaden and Paige, maybe we should sit near them?" He asked her, nervously looking around. "Yup." She said, sitting down. She felt her anxiety pulsing, but everything would be fine. They all made small talk, until the announcer began to talk.  "Alright, lets get started. Today we've all brought you here to cover some newer topics that are important to the star program, alongside mention some adult topics that we couldn't face with the younger members of the program. Afterwards, we will be calling people up to the stage, to go over our honorable mentions of the star creator program. Those mentions will be of the nature of Lankybox, PolarCub, DenisDaily, Kaden Fumblebottom, and Flamingo." The announcer said. I smiled at Kaden and Albert, knowing they were happy. I actually didn't know dani and denis were here, but it was nice to know I would be seeing them too. Albert felt himself get a little sweaty, just thinking that he and Emz would need to go on stage. But he put those worries aside, the announcement needed to be done first. Albert and Emz watched as all these creators were listed, it made Albert really feel like he was part of something amazing. As the speech began, nothing crazy was happening, mostly just behind the scenes of the process of roblox updates, plus a few words from high up roblox developers. Then, they mentioned something, that Emz didn't expect. "Today, we would also like to mention the Mr. Beast crew. Recently, they have decided to partner with us, and we our now sponsoring their most recent video. So, the Mr. Beast crew members that are here today, we call up. That would include Karl Jacobs, -other workers- and lastly, white shirt hater, also known as Emz." The announcer said. Emz had completely forgot that they had began partnering with roblox, and even forgot that Albert wasn't aware that she worked for Mr. Beast. She stood up, watching Kaden and Alberts shocked faces, as she walked to the stage, anxiety preparing to fill her body. And she was ready to hold it in. Albert and Kaden were in awe.. how did Emz forget to mention that she worked for Mr. Beast? It was like the biggest piece of information in Albert's and Kaden's minds. They couldn't believe Emz forgot to tell them. Albert still looked in awe, just looking at Emz as she walked to the stage. Once Emz got to the stage, they were given an applause, and they got to make small thank-yous. Once it was Emz turn, she just looked out, smiling at all of the faces. "Thank you all for supporting me, and thank you all for supporting us." She said, taking a bow. She then walked off of the stage, with Karl behind her. They made jokes with each other until they had to part ways, and Emz made her way back to her seat. Before Albert or Kaden could question her, she briefly explained it. "Okay, so I work with them as a set designer, marketing assistant, meeting director, and also an on-screen person on rare occasion. I honestly forgot that we partnered with roblox, however." She said with a laugh, even though that seemily didn't cut it to Albert. The information Emz just dropped completely blew Albert's mind. All this time, this amazing and wonderful woman he called his girlfriend was working with Mr. Beast? It was all so sudden, and he just felt so confused. "Emzy, that's.. incredible! You work with Mr. Beast? What? I can't believe you didn't tell me that sooner." *He said, sounding incredibly confused, happy and also a little bit mad. "Yeah, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner.. I'm always worried people will think that I think poorly of them, just because I work with such a big company. I honestly haven't been attending a lot, since I can do most of my work at home. So I mostly keep it to myself. I'm really sorry." Emz said. She knew he was happy for her. But she couldn't help from feeling waves of guilt. Albert's mind was still racing, but after seeing how sorry Emz was, he just smiled at her. He didn't want to be mad at her, he loved her. "It's okay, Emzy. You're allowed to have big accomplishments like this, and I'm proud of you for not telling anyone. Just please, don't keep it to yourself ever again." He said, with a smile on his face. Emzy was working with Mr. Beast, this was actually crazy, but he wasn't upset with her at all. "Thank you my love." She said, with a warm smile. She felt all her worries drift away as he spoke to her. She was used to getting very aggressive responses from people she loved, so the way he gently handled her was uplifting. As the conference went on, they got to the part where people were slowly being called up to the stage. Emz gripped Alberts hand tightly, waiting anxiously for the two of us to be called. Albert was waiting with anticipation. He had a feeling they'd be called up on stage soon, and he was correct. They got a nice big applause as they made their way over to the podium. Albert felt so much nervousness, but he couldn't help feeling very excited at the idea of getting an award. "Albert and Emz, please come on up and join us!" The announcer said. Albert smiled, as he walked onto the stage with Emz. She bowed, as Albert did the same. They stood on the sides, next to Kaden and Paige. Each group of two got to make announcements, separate or together. Once it was their turn, Emz walked up slowly, making her separate speech.  "I would like to start by saying how grateful I am to be in this wonderful community of people. I love you all so much, including those of you at home watching. I don't know where I'd be without this beautiful fanbase, and Albert, who helped me grow my career." Emz said, lovingly looking back to Albert, as he walked to the podium of his. He made his separate speech, which she admired him intently as he made it. Then, he mentioned that we both had something to announce, together. She gently grabbed his hand, and looking out into the audience. "Me and Albert, are not just separate people. Not just roommates who film together, or close friends with fame. But we are one, and I love him." Emz said, practically in shambles from pure love and anxiety. But then, the unexpected happened. No booing, no anger, cheering. Loud, aggressive, happy cheering. She smiled like an idiot. Albert was so happy to hear her say that.. and the crowd's cheers made his heart soar. This conference and him being with her, it meant so much to him. He looked back at Emz, with the biggest smile on his face. "That's right.. me and Emz are a couple.. and we're both here because we love each other immensely. Thank you all for cheering for us, I wouldn't have known what to do if you all were against us.. I love you all, and I love her." Albert said, as the crowd cheered even louder. Emz couldn't help herself, she pulled Albert in, and hugged him, as the crowd roared. The announcer cut in, with a funny line, and we walked back to our standing place on the stage. When they walked back to their seats, Albert held Emz's hand. He held it tight, just wanting to make sure she felt his love through his grasp on her hand. He just felt so in love, and all the attention from the fans made him fall in love with her even more. Emz was shaking, fidgeting with her rings, and she was a mess. But she was happy, insanely happy.

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