✩ anxious beginnings ✩

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Emz was out of the shower, and she felt better than ever. She dressed herself in her tight black dress, her heels, a pearl necklace, matching earrings and bracelet set, and she brushed through her hair. "Albert, I'm out of the shower now!!" She called to him, as she was working on her makeup. Albert had heard Emz call him, and he was immediately up from the couch. He walked over to the bathroom, and looked inside the door. "You wanted me to come over? Is something-Oh.." His eyes widened as he saw Emz, looking absolutely perfect. He smiled sweetly, his eyes going from her makeup to her dress. "You look stunning, Emzy." He said, in awe. "Thank you pretty boy." She said, reaching up and kissing his cheek. "I was calling you to say I'm out the shower." Emz said softly. She then got out the curling iron, and began to let it heat, as Albert sat down. Albert was about to zone out, when he decided to give Emz one more compliment. "You look beautiful right now. I can't wait to show everyone this stunning woman I've got my arm wrapped around.." He said, with a loving smile. Emz was comforting, and he just wanted her to rinse away all his stress before a big event like this.Emz blushed at the compliment, and began to curl her hair. She made sure she got all of it into loose curls, which really just complimented the curls she already has. She left the bathroom, and went into her room to put on her perfume and do some other things, allowing Albert to get ready. She loved Albert, he was such a pretty, beautiful boy. He was all she could ever need. She sat at her desk in her room, watching his youtube video as she got on her laptop to work on sending Paige some information, also checking the list to see who all would also be attending todays conference. Albert went to his room, and took some deep breaths. He couldn't let all this stress get to him, he had to look his best for this conference. Once he was dressed, he grabbed his phone and went back to the living room. "Emzy, you look amazing. I can't believe this is all you." He said, with such a loving smile. "You really do deserve the world." Emz peered out of her room, seeing Albert, and heard his compliment. She sat there in awe, and paused his video. "You look.. so good." She said. With a big grin on her face, she looked at him again. "I already know that jacket will be on me by the end of the night." She said, with a sweet laugh. Albert smiled, as Emz complimented him. She also mentioned his jacket once again being taken by Emz. Albert didn't mind that, as he felt he could wear anything while next to such a beautiful girl. "Well, you look so good it makes me want to give that jacket to you now. You look so pretty and stunning in this dress, I can't wait to walk around with you at the conference. I can't have anyone stealing you from me, my love." He said with a small chuckle. "Well, are you ready?" she said, getting up. "It's a pretty long drive, and we're both ready." Emz finished. She walked over to Albert, hugging him as she waited for a response. "Mmm.. you smell good.." she said calmly. She disconnected from the hug, and walked over to the coffee table, turning off the tv.Albert was quite ready. All he needed to do was drive the way there. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. He couldn't resist cuddling her. "You smell amazing too, sweetheart. And I'm not letting anyone steal you from me. You're mine." *He said, with a lot of confidence. He enjoyed letting Emz know how much she was his, and that she was so loved by him. Emz blushed, her happiness taking over. She felt so safe, knowing Albert would keep her safe. She gave Albert the car keys, as they walked to the car together. She got in, remembering the other night, nervously laughing her embarrassment off. Albert was still in full of happiness after seeing Emz. He couldn't get over how much she would make him blush, she was adorable. He walked over to his car, getting in and then starting the drive. Once they were driving along the road to the conference, he looked at her. "You look absolutely amazing. You're so amazing, Emzy." He said, smiling at her. He was still feeling extremely proud she would be with him today. "You are too, my sweet boy." Emz said, loving every inch of Albert. The way he called her Emzy, the way he held her, the wag his voice sounded when they were alone. All of it. The drive was calm, and even the music seemed perfect. Everything was. "How long until we get there?" Emz said, a little nervous. She was becoming slightly anxious, unaware of what would happen. She was wondering how everyone on the stream would react, and even if she would look good. She didn't want anyone angry at her. "It's only thirty minutes away.. but once we get there, all my attention will be on you, Emz. You're my only priority. No one and nothing else." He said, with a lot of confidence and love in his voice. He drove along some highway, the roads and the road were quite clear, with little traffic. "You don't have to be anxious.. you'll be surrounded by people who love you as much as I do, and that love has grown from the day I met you." He said, as he smiled at her. Emz was a little stunned by the first comment. She loved being his center of attention. Emz was a little attention obsessed, she was a princess, always. She just softly laughed, smiling like a mad woman. After hearing the second comment, she grabbed Alberts hand, and held it. "I love you to the moon and back." She said lovingly. She hoped that Albert felt the amount of love he gave her in return. As the drive went on, the town they lived in passed her by, as they were in the next town over, which was much more populated. Albert was glad Emz held his hand. It made him feel extremely loved that she would do something like this with him. He still couldn't believe this was all real, this amazing woman loved him. Once they were in the other more populated town, they soon found themselves parking nearby the conference building. "We're here, Emzy. We'll go in and have a lot of fun. Maybe even tell everyone there we love each other." He said, his voice filled with love and excitement. They were ready, and so was the conference.

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