✩ midnight craving ✩

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"Hey..uh..you awake..?" Albert asked, he'd rather sleep with Emz then alone. It was only 12:00 am..he couldn't sleep. There was no response, simply soft snores. Emz was curled up in her blanket, warm and cozy. Albert layed down beside her, wrapping himself around her. He wanted to be closer to her even if she wasn't awake. He nuzzled his head into her hair and tried to get as close as possible. Emz felt his arms wrapped her waist, and she opened her eyes with a yawn. "Albey?.. what time is it?" She asked, confused. She felt very comfortable, but she was worried about the time. "It's really late, Emz. I can't sleep..can I lay beside you for the night?-" Albert looked at her with the most adorable expression he could give. He had to admit, he liked being close to her, this was the perfect time for him to be close with her. "Of course. But what time is it exactly?" Emz said. "It's midnight, but that doesn't matter. I'm here for you, Emz. Don't worry about time..I'm not planning on leaving." Albert layed back down beside her but kept his head resting on hers. He smiled lovingly into her eyes. "I want candy." Emz says, with another yawn, stretching out her arms a little bit. If it was midnight, then she would get ready, they could go get candy, and then dance at sunrise. "Why do you want candy right now? It's super late. Just sleep, love. We'll dance at sunrise, yes, but no need for candy right now." Albert chuckled softly, he wondered why Emz wanted candy so badly this late. She must've missed it. Emz sat up, looking at Albert who was laying there. "Please? Cmon, we'll take like, an hour to get ready. Then we can drive to the candy shop, and get candy!!" She said, her eyes lighting up. She loved doing crazy things, even though she got judged for doing them a lot. "Alright, alright. Just this once, Emz. But we go to sleep after!" Albert smiled. It was nice to see Emz so energetic this late, he loved seeing her be so excited about such basic things. "Get ready fast, Emz." Albert chuckled. "Go!" "Ahh, alright alright!!" Emz said, hopping out of bed. She grabbed her phone, putting on her and Alberts mitski playlist. She got undressed in the bathroom, and got into the shower. She washed her face, hair, and body. She was singing the lyrics to the song as she moved around in the shower. Albert waited outside her bathroom door, leaning against the wall. He listened to the music she was playing and watched her door, slightly bobbing his head to the tune. He wondered what it would be like to shower with her, to just be with her, but he pushed that thought aside. That was for later, now he was just here to see her be happy. Emz got out, drying herself off with a towel, then wrapping herself with said towel. "Albert, if you need to come brush your teeth or something you can come in." She said, as she began doing her skincare routine. Typically she did her routine with Albert, so even if he didn't want to do skincare, she thought it would be nice to have him in there with her.  Albert had to fight off the butterflies in his stomach as the offer to come into the bathroom was presented to him. As Emz said, he's normally in there with her, so he decides to enter to not cause anything suspicious. As he stepped in, he tried his absolute hardest to hide his blushing but it was so obvious at this point. "Someones flustered." Emz says with a laugh. She puts her arms around him, and gets on her tiptoes to kiss him. She then finished her skincare, and brushed through her hair. Emz put away her hello kitty toothbrush. She looked into the mirror, smiling at Alberts little flustered face as he brushed his teeth. Albert was completely flustered, but he enjoyed every single second of it. When she kissed him, he was completely caught off guard and his heart fluttered, not expecting it. His eyes widened slightly while he continued brushing his teeth, before looking over into the mirror at her. He finished brushing his teeth before placing the toothbrush down onto the counter, he then wrapped his arms around her from behind. Kissing her neck softly, Albert spoke softly to her, not minding whoever might hear them, "I love you, Emz.." Emz felt her body heat rise as Albert held her, planting pretty kisses on her neck. " I.. I love you too." She said, stuttering over her words. She hid her face with her hands, super embarrassed to be that flustered. "Your neck is so soft.." Albert said softly, looking down at her. His voice was quiet to keep his face close to hers. He kissed her neck again, nibbling on it and loving the heat they both generated together. His voice was quiet and calm, not like when he was playing games.When Albert finished, he turned and looked Emz in the eyes. Emz pouted a little bit under the amount of sensation, her flustered feeling slowing. "I need to go change.." she said, walking into her walk in closet. She was so flustered, she had to take a minute to calm down, she was overstimulated, in a good way. Emz loved it when Albert did this, taking a break was her honest way of showing that he successfully made she extremely flustered. She put on his grey hoodie, with a black flamingo logo on it. She also put on some jean shorts, her favorite socks, chunky white sneakers, and her little backpack. It was a black jansport bag, which held memories. Albert watched her go into her walk in closet, smiling softly. "Alrighty, love. I'll wait for you." His voice was quiet, and loving. He always had to hold in the urge to call her pet names. It was hard, he wanted to call her princess, his cutie, and more. But he held in, for now at least. When she left the room, he closed his eyes and started to take deep breaths. That feeling of fluttering when they flirted always got him. It made him feel nice, but his face got flushed every single time. He just sat, waiting for her.

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