✩ ready set go ✩

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Finally, Emz got up, and walked to the door of the room. She noticed how relaxed Albert had been from her. She walked into her room, and closed the door. She began changing, putting on a tight body con cami dress. Over it, she wore a short sleeve button up, with pretty designs on it. She left the button up fully undone, so you could see the dress. Alongside all of this, she decided to wear a necklace, and some bracelets. As she looked in the mirror, she felt good, but for some reason she kept thinking that she looked ugly, or fat. She sighed. "Am I really ugly?" She said to herself, assuming nobody could hear her. She got close to crying, but held it back so she could do her makeup. Albert was distracted by something else when he heard her questioning herself.. "Am I ugly?" He immediately got up and went to her room. Maybe he was over reacting, but he didn't want Emz to feel bad at all. He had to take a look to try and reassure her. He opened the door a little bit, then a lot, and went inside. "No, Emz. You are not ugly. You are the most beautiful girl in the whole world, please don't think like that." He was trying to make her feel better, he hated seeing her self doubt. "Baby.. thank you." Emz said, turning around. As much as she tried to hold her tears in after that, she couldn't. She began crying a little bit, wiping her tears away as she smiled to make it look better. "That was really sweet." She said through the tears. She loved it when he comforted her the way he did, it just made her realize how horrible things had been in the past with other relationships. The moment he saw her tears, his heart dropped a bit. The last thing he wanted was for her to be like this. He couldn't stand seeing her sad, when he knew she should be happy. Her feeling this way broke him a bit, but he wasn't giving up. "Babe, let me hold you." He held his arms out for her to go for a hug, wanting her to lean on him in this moment he didn't believe she should go through alone. Immediately, she jumped into his arms, letting him hold her. Her makeup definitely smeared just a little bit, but It was okay. After she got her emotions out, she disconnected the hug, and kissed Albert on the cheek. Once she walked back to the bathroom and continued doing her makeup, she felt much better. She felt prettier, not that she wasn't pretty before. The happy feeling flooded her body. Albert stood for a moment, watching her do her makeup. He loved to watch her perfect herself for others, but he wasn't ready for her to leave. He wanted her all to himself. As Emz finished her makeup, she looked at Albert, feeling really good about myself. "Are you done getting ready?" She asked him. Emz noticed he hadn't changed, but he still looked good. She reached to my nightstand for my phone, muting my notifications for the night, since I'll be out. She look out of the window, seeing the pretty sun starting to go down, and run out of my room and down the stairs. Albert stood and looked at himself in the mirror. He still looked like himself, he was trying to make himself look presentable. After all, he didn't want to embarrass anybody by acting like a nerd in public. He made sure his shirt was tucked in, he was wearing his usual jeans, and his hair was done up nicely. "Emz, you're so gorgeous." He smiled at her as he finished looking through his appearance. "You look amazing!! And thank you!!" Emz said, as she ran out of her room and down the staircase, her phone gripped tightly in her hand. She was in the living room, when she made it to the front door and unlocked it. She began to unlock the door, though it was difficult. Albert ran over to her, and helped her unlock the door. His hands were around her waist, and he started helping her with the door. He noticed how gorgeous she looked as well, and he knew Kaden and Raven would think so too. "Ready to go, babe?" He asked her, giving her a soft smile to reassure her how he felt about her appearance."Yes, just let me do one thing!" She says, with her purse in hand. Once she gets outside, she pulled out her phone and took a picture of the sky. It was so beautiful to her. She then walked with Albert to the car in the car port, getting in the passenger seat. Of course, he puts on Mitski, and we begin singing it. We bonded over the music we liked. We always had. Albert laughed at her sudden excitement. He loved the little things she did that made her so happy.. It looked incredibly beautiful outside too. Her happiness just made him so happy. He screamed to Mitski also, they always loved her music together and it made him feel better when he heard it. Her music was something he never got sick of hearing.

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