You'll Never break the chain.

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Home wasn't home anymore. Not for the first few months anyways.

It felt so, different now. It felt full of sadness and pity. Like you had really died in the arena and hadn't come home.

In the first few weeks your mother hadn't slept well since you had come home. Neither had your father but, he'd never let you know.

During the night, screams would frequent your home. Most nights they came from you, your mother then rushing to your room clinging to you, rocking you back and forth begging you to breathe.

Sometimes it was your mother, never as loud as you, but still loud enough to draw your attention. When you'd peak into their room, you'd see her hunched up. Crying loudly as your father tries to comfort her.

You'd never go in and see her.

In the first few weeks you'd spent almost the entire time clinging to Treech desperately. Sometimes sneaking from your own home just to spend the night with him.

To feel safe even for a few hours in his arms.

He'd always cradle you close, sometimes you would cradle him on a particularly bad day. His rough hands would stroke your hair, murmuring words of solace into your ear.

His hat was ruined. That was the one thing that would always break him down. When you came home, it was completely flattened. Rips surrounded the fabrics ends, forcing it to loose its shape.

After a few months, the hole started to fill its self in your chest. Healing the wounds of the games.

Every time you went to the woods to chop wood,you could hear Lucy Gray in the wind, Reaper and Dill in the flowers, the same ones on the handkerchief you had given the girl.

It made you slam your axe even harsher into the trees when you thought of them. How dare you be like this, especially now.

You didn't know them, they weren't your friends. You didn't have the right to miss someone who was supposed to kill you.

And yet Treech, always bought you back. The first time you had laughed properly he had made another snide comment over a man when you were working together.

"Look at him..." he murmured leaning on his axe, his eyes in the distance.

"What? What is it?" You ask coming to his side searching the scene for the dazzling sight that had caught his attention.

"Jay... look at him." You eyes eventually find the man, sat down on the floor chewing a sandwich. His face screwed up into an intense frown. His axe was slung next to him, sweat dripping down his face.

"What do you think he's eating in the sandwich?" You ask raising a brow, you had never seen someone eat so angrily.

"I'd say a bark sandwich." Treech then leans down grabbing his axe and hauling it up. "The guys got muscle, I'm sure his pearly whites could take it."

"Ha! Please.. he needs the muscle. All the ladies fawn for him for it." You add on, a small giggle leaving your throat.

Then he pauses before adding on. "Never mind... I don't think they're pearly whites..." he added slowly, turning to face you.

"They are more...Yellow...."

You let out a huff of a laugh, turning to look at him. "You're so mean. Jay used to let you and his son watch the TV in his house!"

"Just about... I was scared he'd lock me in a room and murder me!" He cracks up at his own joke, a giggle leaving his mouth.

You let out a loud laugh, causing Jay to burn his eyes into your backs.

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