We arent friends here.

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As the next morning came Reaper was awake, watching Dill fiddle with the handkerchief, fashioning it into a mini doll. You couldn't help but let a small smile creep onto your face. The water you had found was starting to run low. You could feel your brows furrow. As you watched it sit there. Reaper noticed your gaze. "It's ok. Someone will send something eventually." You frown, your eyes wondering to Dill who sat there still fiddling. She needed it more than anyone. Her throat had gotten so dry it was difficult for her to even breathe. You hear a loud scream and footsteps, you sit up more alert peering over your the rock. Reaper moved pulling Dill into the corner before joining your side.

Out of the hole came Lucy Gray, sprinting as fast as she could from, Jessup? He looked feral. Diseased. Foam splashed from his mouth as he followed her up the rocks. He was starting to scream too. You took a shakey breath springing from your hiding place to her side. You could hear Reaper begin to scream for you to come back as you came to Lucy Grays aid as she was pinned under Jessup. You shoved him off knocking him to the ground, instinctively you went to get your axe, only to realise you had left it.

Jessup was snarling at you now as he slowly, and shakily came to his feet, Lucy Gray was letting out choked back sobs at her once friend's violence. His hat was missing, he seemed exhausted. "What did you do...what is happening to me?" He screamed out as he moved to Lucy Gray again.

Rabies. That's what he had you realised. From the bite of the bat on the train, he had gotten infected. You had seen it back home happen to your cousins wife. She was bit in the factory and before long went mad. Nothing anyone did would settle her as she attacked everyone near enough in reach. You pull Lucy Gray backwards. Neither of you stood a chance against him. He was huge, bigger than Reaper and stronger too. A loud buzzing started up again, you turn your gaze to the right just in time to catch the glimpse of a drone come flinging to Jessup, two bottles of water in its wake. One bottle broke on him splashing glass everywhere. The other rolled away, your eyes immediately following it. Dill needed it, but Lucy needed you now. You watched as Jessup began screaming desperately trying to claw the wet clothes from his skin. Eventually falling backwards, more foam leaving his mouth as his breathing began to slow. Lucy Gray moved closer to him, her arms tightly embracing him whispering songs from home to comfort him, you slowly back towards the water, this moment felt, intimate. You felt like an intruder. as you grab the water you move quicker, back to Dill and Reaper. Dill reached her arms out for you as you fell beside her twisting the cap off of the bottle. "What is the matter with you? Are you an idiot?" Reaper hissed out as he watched Dill drink the water, his fiery gaze returning to you. You glare back at him. "She's my friend." You snap staring at him in surprise at his outburst. He scoffs. "And this is the hunger games! If she had her shot, Gray would leave you for dead in an instant." He says snarkily. "And you wouldn't?" You snap back. Dill lets out a little gasp. Reaper furrows his brows. "No. I'm your ally. And ally's stick together, but I think you're too caught up with Treech and Lucy Gray to get that."


It was an even colder morning in the arena. Dill was an even sicklier colour. Her coughs more frequent with less time in between them and much more blood. Reaper, was starting to get even more concerned, he refused to let her out of his sight. He sat against her silently, watching as you pulled her hair off of her face. Every time she coughed up blood, it had splattered into her hair, smearing up her face and cheeks. She looked like she had been killing during the games from how bad it had gotten.

"Will you stay?" Reaper asked calmly as you retied Dills hair off of her face. You look up at him confusedly. "I'm still here aren't I?" You said as you pat Dills shoulder letting her know you were done. Smiling she carefully moved back against the rock, rubbing her nose of any snot. He simply stared at you. "I'm going underground. I want to see if there's anything down there for... you know." He said the last partly. His eyes moving to Dill before coming back to you. Realisation sank in. Oh. You nod your head. "Of course, be quick though." You said firmly as he then stood up.

You watched as he walked away before smiling to Dill, she was in a daze most of the time. Having little to no energy to talk, her eyes were fluttering as she quietly called your name. Your head looked up meeting her eyes. "What's the matter Dill?" You heard a slight grumble as her hands went to her stomach. "I'm hungry..." she murmured. You frowned as you looked around the arena. Up on the pole, lay one single drone. With one single package. You turn back to notice her gaze on it too. "Dill I don't feel right leaving you to go get it.. when reaper comes back" she shakes her head. "Please, please get it.. if it's food then we got it first, if it's not then oh well.." you don't know what to do. But, she's starved. Eating might make her better though. You let out a huff grabbing your axe.

"You stay here, you can see me, so if anything happens I want you to stay put." You whisper as you peak out behind the rock slowly making your way towards the pole. The smell is what immediately caught your attention. Marcus had gone a sickly pale in his death, a smell festering over his body. Bobbin, had not. He laid still looking as if he were fast asleep. His head rolled over so you couldn't see his battered up face.

You made it to the pole clambering up it as fast you could. You had no time to reminisce. You needed to get back to Dill as fast as you could. As you reached the package, you heard laughter. Loud, echoing, wicked laughter.

You turn your gaze, your eyes meeting Corals as her, and mizzen approach. Mizzen was swinging a large sharpened net, with little spikes covering it. Coral carrying a sharp looking fish spear. You could feel your throat tighten. Treech wasn't with them.

You could see Dill duck further behind the stone, attempting to cough as quietly as she could. "Well, well well. If it isn't little miss Woodwork." Coral called teasingly as she went to one end of the pole. She then taps on it, the metallic sound echoing. "You know, out of everyone. I wanted to get you and Lucy Gray the most. But... poor little lumber boy... he refused to come near you. Too bad he's on an errand right now, he's deep in the tunnels and won't hear a thing." She says as she slowly climbs up the pole. You watch as Mizzen goes to the other side beginning to climb.

You swallow standing tall on the pole, your axe firmly grasped into one hand. You watched Coral made it to the top first, her hand holding tightly onto the fallen stones on top that were acting as a support. She jousted out her spear in attempt to hit missing by a second as you moved. Mizzen then moved even faster attempting to smack you with the Sharp net also missing as he just wasn't close enough.

Suddenly you felt a sharp sting in your back, as coral pulled back you could feel the blood come tumbling from your back down your legs as you fell to your knees on the pole. You let out a cry as you tightened your grip on the axe. You needed to fight, you needed to do something, anything! You cannot die in front of Dill. You absolutely can't. You take a heaving breath just as Mizzen swung the net at you, you launched your axe forward managing to snag it, you gave it a sharp yank ripping it from his hands, he let out a sharp shout as the sharpened net ropes cut through his hands as the force.

He moves a step back. You forcefully swung your axe with the net still attached forcing him back even more, you could hear Coral starting to shout now, too far backwards to reach you as you continued to move against Mizzen, then you swung again. This time, hitting him directly in the stomach. He let out a choked gasp, blood spewing from his mouth onto your axe and hand still wedged inside of him. He reached out a hand placing it desperately onto yours as he continued to choke. You pull out the axe quickly breathing heavily before reaching out, shoving him backwards knocking him to the ground with a crunch. You could feel yourself begin to turn pale as he laid still, his neck stuck as a twisted angle.

Coral let out screams as she began to clamber down. Running to Mizzen pulling him tightly into her arms. Rocking him like a baby back and forth, only then did you recognise how young Mizzen really was when he didn't have a scowl on his face, maybe thirteen? Twelve? Definitely not old enough to even see death. You could feel your breaths deepening as Coral turned to look up at you, her face full of a rage you'd never seen on anyone.


God damn it why are u so stoopid. 😒 ANYWAS!! Next chapter in a bit 😋

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