My girl, my guy.

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After your spat with Treech, he had gone to sit with Coral, leaving you alone on your bench. Designated now to you as no one ever approached each others spot. As you sat with your head in your hands, you felt a small pair of arms wrap tightly around your shoulders giving you a squeeze that reminded you of the children back home when you would agree to play with them after you'd finish your work.

You look up, seeing Wovey. A girl who was young, not much younger than Dill but still young enough to not fully grasp the situation. She offered you a gummy smile of comfort and kissed your head gently in a motherly way.

she began to ramble. "My mummy used to do this for me when I felt sad. You looked sad, so I thought it would help! Did it help? Do you feel better?" She smiled excitably thinking she had just fixed all of your problems. You decide to play along not wanting to hurt her feelings. "Yes, it did, thank you wovey. You're very kind." You smile putting a hand on her arm. That seemed to satisfy her as she skipped off to go and harass Dill, to see if she wanted to play with her.

"She's a sweetheart ain't she?" A southern voice spoke up as you felt a presence sit beside you. You look over to see Lucy Gray, tilting her head at you smiling cheekily. "You know, she reminds me of my cousin Maude Ivory. She did the same thing, reckon she's a mother hen just like her." Lucy Gray smiled even wider nudging you with her elbow. "Don't be in a slump. You're gonna be ok."

You look at her strangely. "Are you always so friendly with strangers? I can understand Wovey, and Dill. They're young, they don't get it.. but you?" You ask curiously only for her to roll her eyes. "If you want someone to be kind to you, you gotta be kind to them. Do you good to know that." Gray chuckled rising to her feet. "Heard they're doing interviews for the tributes in an hour. better prepare your pity speech for 'votes'" she said cresting finger quotes as she walked back over to Jessup who was sat with his knees up looking to be in a daze.

He was another beginning to look frail and ill. On his neck, just behind his left ear was a bite from bats that had been in their carrier on the train. The bite over the days of being here, being left untreated, was starting to look worse, and worse. So did he.

Just as Lucy Gray had said, an hour later Peacekeepers returned, pulling off pairs for interviews with the man you had come to know as Flickerman. The creep who had come in on the first day, and harassed the tributes for interviews whilst failing miserably.

An hour later, you were taken alongside Treech, this time walked to the stadium where the interviews would be held as it wasn't a far distance. As you entered, the peacekeepers stayed by your side in twos. Two by you, two by Treech. Keeping you both seperate. As you were sent to the filming room, you'd come to find that it was huge, hundreds of thousands of comfortable seats lined, row by row directly in front of the wooden stage where a microphone, and a microphone stand stood. By the steps a small, wooden guitar.

When it came to be Treech and yours turn, you were guided to wait out of sight of the camera, and the audience as Treech was pushed into the spotlight by the peacekeepers. "Now now now! Treech, you have been somewhat of a spectacle in the Capitol, the ladies think you, and Reaper are quite the catch and have a good shot of winning.." Flickerman said raising a brow teasingly to Treech as many females in the audience cheered and whistled in agreement.

You could see Treech flush his eyes wondering from Flickerman to the audience. "Thank you.. I.. uh.. I appreciate the support." He answered slowly. Unsure of what to respond with. Flickerman rolled his eyes. "Come now don't be modest, now, between all of us here, today you made quite the decision am I right? You chose to team with Coral and the two boys over your own district partner." You felt your stomach tighten as you ripped your eyes from Treech on the stage.

"Just because we made allies with different people doesn't mean I won't have her back. I won't hurt her. She's still important to me and will still be my girl in the game." He answered confidently.

"Oh? Your girl?" Flickerman said amusedly gesturing for the camera to be turned to you. "What does that mean, 'your girl..'" he said clearly happy with how this interview was going. "It means.. it means she's going to be my main person. Even if I'm in another group of allies, as is she.. I'll prioritise her. I'll help her when I can." He says looking at you with a gentleness in his eyes you hadn't noticed before.

You felt your stomach roll as butterflies filled your stomach. Treech still cared, even if he allied with someone else, he cared. But did that matter anymore? You frown unsurely.

As his interview can to an end, his donations rose immensely to a whopping four hundred. You turn as you were then guided to the stairs.

"And for our next interview, Y/N L/N! From district 7!" A loud applause of cheers sounded from the audience, not as loud as Treech but yet, still loud.

"Now, Miss l/n you have allied with ill Dill... and Reaper. The strong man. Why'd you do that?" He questioned raising a brow. Your eyes widened. 'ill dill...' you thought as the crowd chuckled at his horrific joke. "Because I know their honest people. Dill is kind, and Reaper is a protector." You answer surely. "And, this alliance only happened because Treech had left you for coral... how did you feel about that.." your eyes drifted to Treech who wasn't making eye contact with you.

"I... I was hurt, anyone would be. But like he said. I'm his girl, he's my guy. I'll prioritise him, just like he will me. Even if we aren't allied together. I still will remember my roots and who I came here with." You answer honestly smiling down to Treech. The audience let out an even louder cry filled with awes and adoring shouts. "How lovely. Isn't district 7 just the most heart warming, always remembering each year who they came with.." Flickerman said cooing at you.

You looked up to the screen where your face had taken the place of Treech, your interviews had sky rocketed as well going to nearly four hundred, almost matching Treeches amount. As you left the stage and walked back to the zoo, escorted by the peacekeepers, you shared a small smile with Treech

Your guy, your priority.


Wovey is the cutest. She's my little baby 😭😭 but bless look at you and Treech, making it up.... Or will you? 😟... ANYWAYS.

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