Please dont die.

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for a good five minutes all any of the tributes could do is stare. The glass container was still, unmoving. Yet the contents inside were moving, sounds of hissing and rubbing were echoing in the arena, slowly getting more and more agressive.

Corals anger had dissipated as she stared at the container, her anger turning into fear at the site of the unknown contents. She, who had once been so close to killing Lucy Gray, had paused. Lucy Gray stood still. Now a good few feet put between herself, Coral and Treech. Her chest still heaving. Treech however kept his eyes flickering between you, and the glass jar.

He kept extremely still. Slowly beginning to move towards you, take a small step every few seconds. He knows. You pause realisation sinking into your face. The snakes, they were similar to ones back home. The rainbow reflection shimmering off them reminded you off poisonous ones your parents would guide you to avoid from a young age. Mary-Lou was nine when she was bit by one, she died at ten due to complications met from the poison.

You slowly and steadily reached a hand to Treech as he managed to approach. Just a little bit more, just a bit closer. Just a little more.

"Is it over..?" Your head shot up, just as Treech had grabbed your hand a small voice called out. Wovey. She was moving towards the jar, her hands held tight to her chest. "Can.. can we go home now?" She whispered out still not slowing in her steps. "Wovey." Reaper called out. Shaking his head sharply. She ignored him still moving. "Wovey." He called even louder trying to get her to stop.

She kept moving, reaching the container, glass began to shatter everywhere as snakes began to fall out, slithering faster then you had ever seen anything move, pinning wovey to ground as they began to remove the skin from her bones, she screamed, only for a moment. Before the scoreboard crossed her name off.

Treech began to climb even quicker as you pulled him up. You heaved and yank at his arms bringing him to the top as you clung to your axe as did he. Treech was breathing heavily as he watched the snakes. "Oh my fucking god.." he whispered his eyes widening as he bought you close to him. The snakes began moving faster towards Reaper, he sat still, unmoving.

"Reaper! Reaper move!" You scream out as Treech kept you still, even as you kept fighting and screaming for him to run, Reaper still didn't budge, not even as the snakes clambered up around his body, winding in circles around his neck, and eventually his head. His name was then crossed off. Mounds of tears fell from your eyes, as you couldn't help him. You owed him. He let you go, he helped you. Treech clung to you, shushing you as he rocked you back and forth, trying to calm you down.

Lucy Gray took initiative, climbing up rubble, and rocks to a somewhat high point away from the snakes, her eyes had tears running from them, she had no experience with snakes, not in her tribute. Coral did not either. She began attempting to follow Lucy Gray up the rubble as the snakes clamp down on her legs. "Lucy Gray! Help me!" She cried out as the snakes eventually stopped the movement in her legs forcing her down into the ground. She let out hiccups of sobs. She no longer looked like a killer, just a scared, small child.

"It's not fair... I can't... I didn't do this all for nothing." She whispered out between choked back sobs, as eventually, the snakes began to cling to her too. In this moment, despite everything she had done. You couldn't help but feel guilt for her and began to cry for her too, just as you cried for Wovey and Reaper. Her screams lasted longer than Woveys, echoing off of the walls of the arena. Till, her name too was crossed off the board.

The snakes had began to seperate, four moved to climb up the pole to reach you, only one successful, you quickly wiped your eyes grabbing your axe, cutting the head off cleanly. The majority moved to Lucy Gray. She let out hiccupped breaths, taking slow, pushing herself up the rubble as snakes moved to her.

Quietly her voice began to sound in the arena.

'You're headed for heaven
The sweet old hereafter
And I've got one foot in the door'

She was singing again. In her final moments she was singing. Your cries became quieter as you listened to her. Of course, in her final moments she would choose to sing.

'But before I can fly up
I've loose ends to tie up
Right here, in the old there-before'

Her voice got louder as it echoed off of the walls. Her confidence growing. "What the hell.." Treech murmured into your hair as the snakes seemed, calm. Slithering quietly towards her without the aggression they had held to Coral and Reaper.

'I'll bring the news
When I've danced off my shoes
When my body's closed down
When my boat's run aground
When I've tallied the score'

Her voice got more aggressive as snakes moved to her body, clinging tightly onto her arms and legs, realisation began to settle onto her face. They weren't attacking her, they were listening. The snakes were being serenaded by the songbird. Your eyes widened as she took a deep breath continuing.

'And I'm flat on the floor
Right here, in the old there-before
When nothing is left anymore'

You watched her face continue to morph between anger and fear, the snakes began to circle her waist forcing her to sit up straight, constricting her air to a limited amount. "She's keeping them calm.." you murmur to Treech, but he shakes his head.

"She won't be able to sing forever.."

'When I'm pure like a dove
When I've learned how to love
Right here, in the old there-before
When nothing is left anymore'

Her eyes were staring at the small camera, anger infused deeply on her face as she began to pant from her lack of air, if the snakes stayed on her any longer now, she wouldn't die from bites of poison, but lack of oxygen. She looked to you and Treech, tears cascading down her face. Sobs now falling from her lips.

A loud bang is what caught you off guard, as a robotic, monotonous voice sounded in the arena. The gates opened and in flooded peacekeepers wearing protective armour that would keep them safe against the snakes.

Treech lets out a deep breath at the sight of the peacekeepers, burying his head deeply into your hair hiding his cry's, his hat covering the top of his head giving his some form of privacy.

'Congratulations, our winners of the 10th annual hunger games. After three days of fighting.'


Omg!!! Congrats winnerrr! But I do just wanna say here that the next chapter is going to be very harsh 😭 so this is a little warning now so please be aware when I upload the next chapter tomorrow.

Wait for it. (Treech)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें