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By the time the sun had fallen, the sky had already turned a dark, foggy colour. A cold breeze whispering down your neck as you shivered.

You and Treech had soon after Dr Gaul had left, been ushered from your room, down the weaving halls into the streets. Back towards the marble train station.

You could hear that familiar whistle of the train, the one that, when you first arrived thought was the sound of death calling. The last sound of home you and Treech were to hear.

You turn to look at him nervously. He was shifting from each of his feet his eyes moving quickly, following the people around, he began adjusting his hat to ensure it sat on his head firmly without risking it falling off.

You reached a hand out, tightly taking his as the train came to a holt beside you. He gave your hand a firm squeeze, his eyes turning to yours nervously.

"Are you ready to go..?" He murmurs his eyes locking firmly onto the train, his face seemed fearful again. You take in that look.

He hadn't had that much fear on his face since you were both twelve. Wondering, lost with six other children through the woods, you in that moment had tightly taken his hand, ensuring you'd be ok.

You weren't kids anymore. "I don't know if I want to go back." He suddenly whispers.

"What?" You ask turning to look up at him, his eyes had began to fill with tears.

"What if they hate me..." he whispers. The tears began to fall again. You move your hand to his arm, eventually raising the other one to his other arm, turning him towards you.

"My mum... dad they would have seen what I've done. They'll hate me.." he whispers between sobs as tears continue to cascade down his face.

You feel your eyes widening, reaching your hands up to grab his cheeks. "Listen, it's gonna be fine, they won't hate you they'll understand!" You say in earnest staring into his eyes.

He shakes his head, sobs leaving his throat. "It's my fault.."

"No, no it's not.." you whisper brushing tears from his face, he rests his cheeks in your hands letting his eyes close, his hands coming over yours on his cheeks.

The train let out another scream, alerting you, its only passengers. It's time to get aboard. You quickly take his hands from his face, squeezing them tightly, and firmly in your palms.

Before beginning to move up and onto the train.


The train was different from before. Instead of being shoved into a wooden cart, with no light, no food, and no water, you had red cushioned seats. A window, that could open and close, and a small table.

You moved further into the compartment eventually settling down into a seat, Treech who lingers for a longer period.

He stares at the table as if it was someone who had insulted him, before coming and settling down opposite you.

"It looks tacky.." you roll your eyes at him comment, kicking him sharply in the knee causing him to let out a swear word you wouldn't repeat.

"The Capitol has fucked your taste! What will you do when we make it back to the cabins." You chuckle as he glares at you.

"I always had good taste." He stares at you with mock serious. He pause for a moment.

"I'm still scared I think.." he whispers. You look up at him. "From before, when we first got on the train to the games, I told you I was scared. I still am. But because of what people will think.." he murmurs.

You offer a small smile. "Girls will be falling at your feet... everyone wants a victor." He frowns at your statement leaning back into his seat. "And boys will fall at your feet too.." he murmurs annoyed, his arms crossing over his chest.

You let out a chuckle. "I won't go for them though." You simply answer,

his head snaps up. "What? Why? Do you have someone already?" He asks frantically. You chuckle.

"I'm going home with the guy I want.." you say quietly, offering him a small, shy smile.

His jaw falls open, closing again, before opening again. He lets out a cough. "When we get back, I'll take you out on a proper date. I promise you."

You smile softly, feeling a blush creep to your cheeks. "You'll take me on a proper date? Do the whole flowers thing and talk to my dad?" He nods firmly.

The train begins to shuffle, moving slowly, gaining speed as it begins to chug forward. You put your arms on top of the table, staring out of the window, you watched as the Capitols train station got smaller, and smaller.

Slowly in the corner of your eye, you watch Treech, his hands begin to search for yours before eventually reaching out, and taking them in his grip.

A small smile begins to creep onto your face, as his hands confidently take yours properly, clasping them in his own with a strong sense of fondness.


Sejanus story is now up! Go have a read and vote for it 💕🤫 and your a bar tender at the coveys bar.. WOAH

Depending on how much you guys enjoy it will depend on what I focus on the most ❤️

The name is "it's gonna be you and me."

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