You and i walk a fragile line.

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The sun began to set, its evening glow bouncing off of the steel enclosure bars. After yours and Treeches return, you both did not separate again, Treech sitting with you again on the bench. Neither of you had spoken, as you watched the sunset. His face, despite being exhausted and dirtied from not having a shower was glowing, with the sun beating down on it.

He turned to you slowly, drinking in your face and appearance. He paused for a moment, seemingly deep in thought before his mouth opened. "Hide." He said. You turned to him raising a brow. "What?" You asked slightly weirded out with his random statement. He stared into your eyes carefully. "Corals out for blood this game, I'm scared that this time, in this game. I can't protect you from her. I'd never harm you but, she would, hell she will if she sees you. She really wants to win and go home." He says quietly his eyes moving to her, watching as she sits opposite her tribute partner on the floor whispering plans into his ear with a twisted smile. "Doesn't everyone?" You respond quietly back to him.

You raise a brow. "And where would I hide? I'd be with Reaper and Dill remember? With her coughing and there being three of us, there's not exactly anywhere to go." You say simply clasping your hands together in your lap.

"If we play the games, still in that arena, with all those huge rubble pieces and poles that'd have fallen, you could easily climb up them, get high enough like you used to when we were kids." He remarks. "Remember when we were ten? You clambered up the largest oak tree you could just to prove to Tom Jenkins that you were a better climber, even though you were a girl." He huffs a smile of amusement appearing on his face. You roll your eyes playfully. "And I was, better than him. You and I both know that. As did all the adults in the district. Even though I got stuck up there for a good two hours till my dad came and got me." You chuckle looking at Treech, his eyes were still on you. "Back home, you have anyone waiting for you?" He murmurs out grabbing a piece of your hair, tucking it behind your ear.

"No.. boys, they never really looked at me back home, the only reason they'd be now, is from pity of the fact I might die tomorrow." You whisper out. He frowns blinking slowly at you. "You don't know that.." he mutters. You roll your eyes straightening your back. "And what about you Mr ladies man, wooing the women of the capital and the ladies back home? You have quite the record now." You tease, feeling a weight on your chest. "No, they might be waiting for me. But I'm not excited to see anyone but my mama." He said simply. "You should've seen how much she was crying. Her eyes couldn't stop, it made me want to cry when I was up on that stage." He mutters looking down. "I wanted to cry when you came up too. You looked so, broken down. It was weird to see. I just, I wanted to make that leader put his hand back into that bowl and pull out any other girls name, anyone but yours."

You smile. "Thanks Treech." You look at him properly now. On that bench you both had sat extremely close to each other, your knees brushing against each other. Treech put his hand on your knee giving it a squeeze leaning slightly closer, you felt the butterflies return, flapping even faster in your stomach, but before another move could be made, an aggravating voice called out.

"Treech!" You hear coral call, he lets out a large sigh as his chest goes flat from the lack of air. "The she-demon calls.." he whispers into your ear. "I'll be back later." He stands up adjusting his hat before going over to Corals side, squatting down to her level on the ground as she begins to speak at him.


You roll your eyes. Something always ruining your moment. You stand up, seeing Lucy Gray stood alone as Jessup sleeps against a tree. You walk over to her side as she stares out of the bars at the rising moon. "Pretty ain't it? Back home, I used to sing a song about it." She sighs dreamily turning to face you. "You any good at singing? Playing instruments?" She asks. You shake your head. "I wish, there's no instruments to play, let alone anytime to practise when cutting up wood or chopping and shaving it down to furniture frames." You respond joining her gaze back to the moon.

"It's not a living, but it gets me a home at the local underground bar, me and my family, we're covey, we live there. Normally me and my cousin, Maude Ivory we sing every night for twelve." She says simply. "A simple but happy life." She murmurs making a fist around the steel bar trapping us in. "Covey?" I question raising a brow.  What the hell is covey?

She lets out a chuckle. "We used to travel around, make music. Then when we all got divided, we got trapped in twelve." She said sadly looking down.

"Most people back home don't sing, but we make up games." You decide to indulge her with stories of your home in an attempt to lighten the mood. "Many of the kids do it, but mostly to encourage the older ones to join in, make up rhymes to go with the game too." You smile. "Normally there's not much time too play with them, we start working in the woods at the age of ten, and then we begin to spread out into different types of work at twelve." She nods along listening to what you said. "Is there enough to go around? Food, water?" She asks turning so her back was leaning against the bars. You nod your head, we aren't district one or two, but we aren't..." you stop yourself. She raises her brows. "You aren't in twelve?" She teases chuckling at your embarrassment. You nod your head slowly causing her to laugh even harder. "Lucy? Lucy Gray?" A voice calls out from behind the bars, a slow figure began to approach wearing a half buttoned up uniform, with exhausted eyes and sweaty face. A bandage wrapped tightly around his waist. You raise your brows. You completely forgot, Coriolanus Snow had been seriously injured during the enemy ship attack, he was almost crushed by rubble but was saved by Lucy Gray..

You look at how close, she and him had gotten as you watch them stare at each other through the cage, as if everything and everyone around them had disappeared. You shake your head, turning away deciding to give them their privacy. You spot that Treech had returned back to your bench, you let out a sigh of relief, not wanting to sleep alone. It had grown to be comforting with someone next to you. It made you feel, protected. As you sat down he looked at you. "Hey.." he whispers.

You smile.


"So, snows come back then,.. he came back for Lucy Gray?" He asks nosily peering over at the two of them. "He looks like shit.." he mumbles his eyes widening at the bandages on his chest. You turn landing a firm smack on his arm. "How many times do I have to tell you to be nice!" You hiss, your gaze follows his gaze watching them get closer. "I think he loves her. Or the closest thing to it you can get in here..." you whisper.

He nods slowly before lifting an arm, you move closer resting your head onto the crook between his neck and head. "I reckon if she makes it, they'll get together." He says teasingly, letting out a mock sigh. "How romantic a Capitol prat and a songbird from twelve, the lowest of the low and the highest of the high." He jokingly flutters his eyelids. You roll your eyes. "Stop being a dick to everyone." You say tiredly shutting your eyes attempting to ignore him. You feel him manoeuvre taking his hat off and shaking his head. You let out a groan at the sudden movement.

"Yeah yeah.. I know.." you hear him murmur as you drift farther off into a deep sleep.


Awh bless, you guys made up and look at that!! Now you're also friends with Lucy Gray! What a little win!!! I hope you guys are liking the story because I genuinely wasn't sure if I'd like writing it due to the fact I'm not the strongest writer, but so far so good!!!

I announced on my other story but I'm considering writing another book for treech 😭 only of course once my other one is finished! So that would mean there's three treech x reader books for your availability 💕

Wait for it. (Treech)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora