6: a deal.

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It was one of the wonders of the world that he, out of all people decided to make a visit to someone without being forced, it has been years since last time he was in Korea, and the person he misses the most, is undoubtedly, his granny dearest. Eunwoo, wore some casual clothes not to attract much attention, put on his mask, and took his car to his grandmother's place, his grandmother had her small coffee business that she adored, it was her little baby, and she thought it her mission to take care of it, she loved her shop so much she wouldn't talk badly inside the place in fear of negative energy.

After her daughter died, Eunwoo's mom, his grandmother took him in and raised him, it was a warm memory, a time when his dad actually cared about him, although his dad a year later married someone his child's age, Eunwoo didn't eventually hate his father, but with time, he started seeing the true colors of the couple, it was by then when eunwoo decided to leave the family for good, so he announced that he wanted to persue a carrier as an actor, later, he started singing too, wanting to grow into a version of his mom, who was an opera singer, and not a version of his dad, the cold-hearted businessman.

Although the genetical game betrayed him, because the more he grew older, the more he resembled his dad more, he was growing into his dad's features more and more, he despised that more than anything. It was then when he realized how desperately he needed to see his grandmother, how much it could heal him seeing her smile, the boy loved his homeland for all it was, but the thought of it being the place his mother wished to be buried in, the thought of it being the place his grandmother refused to leave, in fear she dies a stranger in some far away lands, made him get attached to this piece of land more than anything, it was more than just geographical borders, at the end of the day.

When the boy arrived in-front of his grandmother's infamous coffee, it was unusually empty, when words got out that this specific coffee shop belonged to a relative to the megastar Cha Eunwoo, it had became a touristic destination in the calm area, so the boy thought he was risking his safety by coming here at the first place, but seeing the place empty like this, made him feel both worry and relief at once, when he entered the shop, he heard the sound of the bell indicating his arrival, he didn't spare anyone any forms of looks, as he feared getting recognized and causing a commotion, he found his grandmother behind the cashier, looking at one of the costumers, there were two people inside the coffee shop, he noticed, without sparing them his time, he met the longing eyes of his grandmother, she looked at him in recognition, he saw how tears formed in her eyes, but they both stood there on their ground without attempting any physical connection, he wanted so bad to hug her, but he wanted to wait until she got over the emotional shock she was experiencing right now, his grandmother wasn't exactly emotional, she hated touching other people so much, she kept everything to herself, and she sacrificed everything for those she loved. She was an angel.
« why didn't you tell me you were back? » she asked him, trying to sound angry. « I just arrived yesterday night, I came here as soon as I woke up, I didn't even have breakfast yet, you cannot get angry at me, you old heartless lady! » he told her, and to that she could only smile, he's truly back.

They were both interrupted when they heard the bell ring again, Eunwoo curiously looked at the newcomer, when he saw a woman wearing a black mask pass by him, he immediately recognized her, so he called her name, « jihyo? »

« Eunwoo? Long time no see »

Jihyo was an old friend of Eunwoo, he was already planning to contact the girl so they could catch up on what they missed, so seeing her here, at his grandmother's shop surprised him in obviously good ways, he was glad to see her doing well. They chatted for a while, until a girl with bangs arrived and introduced herself, Eunwoo watched the interaction feeling guilty for holding Jihyo from her work matters, so he could only apologize, but before he left, his eyes inadvertently locked with brown ones only to find them already looking his way, in a serendipitous moment, despite the lack of familiarity, an uncanny sense of recognition enveloped him, as if summoned by a hidden force, the air around him filled with the strong fragrance of vanilla intertwining with visions of her in a captivating dress, gracefully swaying like a musical note in his arms. In the midst of the surreal dance of sensations, his eyes traced down to her hand, where he could feel the lingering warmth of a past kiss. The magnetic connection held them in an unspoken conversation until, all too soon, she broke the eye contact. Left in a trance , he yearned for nothing more than to approach her, to unravel the mystery and ask if, by any chance, they were acquainted in another time..in another life.

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