4: eye contact.

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The next morning, after a night of solitary, sombre drinking, rosé awakens to the comforting aroma of breakfast cooked by her mom, the fresh smell of Turkish eggs her mom loves to make every morning, the kitchen becomes a haven, the scent of food weaving a gentle embrace that soothes the lingering ache of the previous night and its painful vanishing memories. Was she dreaming or was her mother actually in her apartment preparing her breakfast ?

« ouch- why would you do that? » she heard Lalisa cry, rosé finally remembered the companion she had yesterday, who was Lalisa talking to?
« Shut up and take your medicines, or else you'll suffer a headache » rosé could not mistake her own mother's concerned voice, shit..her mom was indeed at her apartment. « Where is your idiotic mistake of a friend? Go wake her up » bad alarm. Rosé clearly heard light footsteps coming from the kitchen, she then saw Lisa's shadow getting closer to her, finally putting a face to the long silhouette. « Morning, rosé! » Lisa snapped, her friend per usual, was full of energy.

« Morning, lis » rosé sighed, trying to get emotionally ready to meet her mother. « Breakfast is ready, miss park was concerned because you didn't answer your phone yesterday, so she called me, i didn't answer either, so the poor woman got so worried she flied to Seoul and made it here. » Lalisa explained to her friend, and rosé could only nod her head affirmatively, and wish to the sky some miracle to save her. When rosé made it to the kitchen, she saw her mom prepare the table, her dad clearly didn't come along, which was a relief, she took notice of her mother, looking at the wrinkles under her eye, the aging lines painted next to her lips, rosé realized how beautiful her mom was even with all the scars age left on her, she was just that beautiful, which reminds her of somebody's grandmother.

« do you two know how traumatized hank was when I came here? I've never thought i'd see a dog make that expression until today! The hell were you two doing yesterday ? » her mom scolded, rosé averted her gaze towards her dog, hank..poor thing. « We were worshiping him! » Lisa admitted, beaming in happiness for reasons only she knew.

« We were? No way! » rosé exclaimed, shocked at the revelation. « yes! We thought he was a devine entity and we worshiped him » Lisa further explained, « how do you even remember that!? You were as drank as I was! » rosé accused her friend, feeling betrayed. « I suck at anything that requires intelligence, but I have a golden memory » the brunette explained again. Miss park was just disappointedly staring at the two young ladies as they exchanged words.

When the three females gathered to eat, silence was heard once again. « Rosé, I think you like him » Lalisa decided it was a brilliant idea to interrupt the miraculous peace. « who? » both rosé and her mom, turned their head to look at the brunette with different intentions, rosé, was planing Lisa's murder, while her mom, was imagining Lisa wearing a dress and accompanying her daughter as her bridesmaid.

Lisa whatsoever, didn't acknowledge the elephant in the room, and proceeded to say « Eunwoo, you spoke of him yesterday » just how much did this girl remember?

Lalisa finally realized who she had just spoken next to, so she decided to save her friend and change the topic « oh never mind, I must've heard wrong, I do that often, you said something about Jihyo fooling you! That is all i heard, nothing anti decorous about a man at all! » right. Jihyo.

« Jihyo? The singer? Aren't you two friends ? » her mom asked suspiciously. « Yeah, recently we got to hang out and she asked if I wanted to collaborate with her » even Lisa was shocked to the bone hearing her friend casually drop the news, rosé didn't really plan to tell them, but looking at them worriedly looking after her messed up matters, she decided they deserved to know. Just this once.

« What did you tell her? » lisa asked carefully as if walking on eggshells, out of all people, Lisa knew best what rosé thought of those privileged big stars, « nothing, I told her I'd think about it, what do you think? » rosé, didn't only trust them enough to tell them her matters, but she also was asking for their opinion, and she was totally sober too, this was a first. « if you find it in you to do something about your so called passion for music, then do it. If you want to spend the rest of your life whining about failure and never trying to escape it..Then don't. What stupid question was that? Weren't you the one who refused to work as a lawyer because you could only do music correctly? Stop being a disgrace and go do something about your career ! » her mom said. Some might find her mom's method a little bit harsh, especially with someone as delicate and sensitive as rosé, yet rosé considered every word her mom have said. This is why she didn't want to meet her mother, she hated how goddam right her mom always was. Looking down at her intertwined fingers, she felt a tear escape her eye, but she wiped it away and prevented any more tears from falling. Ever since she was a child, rosé looked up at her mom and wanted to be her. Wanted to be as cool as her mother, the strong, successful mother of hers never cried infront of anyone, rather always held herself proudly.

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