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Hermione left the hospital wing, de-whiskered, tail-less, and fur-free, at the beginning of February. On her first evening back in Gryffindor Tower, Harry showed her T. M. Riddle's diary and told her the story of how they had found it.  

"Oooh, it might have hidden powers," said Hermione enthusiastically, taking the diary and looking at it closely. 

"If it has, it's hiding them very well," said Ron. "Maybe it's shy. I don't know why you don't chuck it, Harry." 

"I wish I knew why someone did try to chuck it," saidHarry. "I wouldn't mind knowing how Riddle got an award for special services to Hogwarts either." 

"Could've been anything," said Ron. "Maybe he got thirty O.W.L.s or saved a teacher from the giant squid. Maybe he murdered Myrtle; that would've done everyone a favor. ..." 

Everyone went silent. Athena was thinking, trying to connect things she heard from the boys.

"What?" said Ron, looking from one to the other. 

"Well, the Chamber of Secrets was opened fifty years ago, wasn't it?" Hermione said. "That's what Malfoy said." 

"Yeah ..." said Ron slowly. 

"And this diary is fifty years old," said Hermione, tapping it excitedly. 


"Oh, Ron, wake up," snapped Athena. "We know the person who opened the Chamber last time was expelled fifty years ago. We know T. M. Riddle got an award for special services to the school fifty years ago. Well, what if Riddle got his special award for catching the Heir of Slytherin? His diary would probably tell us everything — where the Chamber lies and how to open it, and what sort of creature lives in it — the person who's behind the attacks this time wouldn't want that lying around, would they?" 

"That's a brilliant theory, Athena," said Ron, "with just one tiny little flaw. There's nothing written in his diary. " 

Hermione was pulling her wand out of her bag. 

"It might be invisible ink!" she whispered. 

She tapped the diary three times and said, "Aparecium!" Nothing happened. 

Undaunted, Hermione shoved her hand back into her bag and pulled out what appeared to be a bright red eraser. "It's a Revealer, I got it in Diagon Alley," she said. She rubbed hard on January first. Nothing happened. 

"I'm telling you, there's nothing to find in there," said Ron. "Riddle just got a diary for Christmas and couldn't be bothered filling it in." 

The next day at break, Athena headed for the trophy room to examine Riddle's special award, - forced by Harry - accompanied by an interested Hermione and a thoroughly unconvinced Ron, who told them he'd seen enough of the trophy room to last him a life time. Riddle's burnished gold shield was tucked away in a corner cabinet. It didn't carry details of why it had been given to him. However, they did find Riddle's name on an old Medal for Magical Merit, and on a list of old Head Boys. 

"He sounds like Percy," said Ron, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Prefect, Head Boy ... probably top of every class —" 

"You say that like it's a bad thing," said Hermione in a slightly hurt voice. 

The sun had now begun to shine weakly on Hogwarts again. Inside the castle, the mood had grown more hopeful. There had been no more attacks since those on Justin and Nearly Headless Nick, and Madam Pomfrey was pleased to report that the Mandrakes were becoming moody and secretive, meaning that they were fast leaving childhood. 

"The moment their acne clears up, they'll be ready for repotting again," Athena heard her telling Filch kindly one afternoon. "And after that, it won't be long until we're cutting them up and stewing them. You'll have Mrs. Norris back in no time." 

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