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Athena woke up on Sunday morning to find her dormitory blazing with the winter sun. She felt her back still aching. She sat up and massaged her back as she waked over to the window and opened it letting the cold morning air in.  She refreshed herself and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a jumper. 

She looked at the clock, the time was eight o'clock. She went down for breakfast. She sat down there with the Weasley twins and their friend, Lee. 

"Come up with a plan to get detention?" Athena asked.

"Na, still thinkin'" Fred replied.

"How about, we turn Snape into a cat?" George proposed.

"Then who will give us detention in his office?" Athena asked.

"Right...." George said turning back to his food.

"How about we colour his room.... like turn it rainbow and stuff." Fred said.

"That would be hilarious but he could wipe it off you know, with a flick of his wand." Athena said casually.

"Good point." Fred said.

"What if we take the stuff with getting a detention?" Athena said with a sneaky smile.

Athena finished eating her food and went into Moaning Myrtles washroom to find that Ron and Hermione were already there. A few minutes later, Harry joined them while Hermione was preparing to start brewing the potion since it would take about a month for it to finish.

He was telling them about Colin when Hermione interupted and told him that they already knew this as today morning they heard professor Mcgonagall telling professor Flitwick about the incident.

"There's something else," said Harry, watching Hermione tearing bundles of knot grass and throwing them into the potion. "Dobby came to visit me in the middle of the night." 

Athena, Ron and Hermione looked up, amazed. Harry told them everything Dobby had told him. The three listened with their mouths open.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" Hermione said. 

"This settles it," said Ron in a triumphant voice."Lucius Malfoy must've opened the Chamber when he was at school here and now he's told dear old Draco how to do it. It's obvious. Wish Dobby'd told you what kind of monster's in there, though. I want to know how come nobody's noticed it sneaking around the school." 

"Your one hundred percent dumb Ron, this proves it," Athena said as she eyed Ron with the seriously look.

"Maybe it can make itself invisible," said Hermione, prodding leeches to the bottom of the cauldron. "Or maybe it can disguise itself — pretend to be a suit of armor or something — I've read about Chameleon Ghouls —" 

"You read too much, Hermione," said Athena, pouring dead lacewings on top of the leeches. She crumpled up the empty lacewing bag. 

"So Dobby stopped us from getting on the train and broke your arm. ..." Ron shook his head. "You know what, Harry? If he doesn't stop trying to save your life he's going to kill you."

After a decent while, Athena went to meet the twins. She saw them in the courtyard. 



"I've gotta plan!"


That noon, they skiped lunch and headed to the dungeons after seeing Snape at the staff table.

Athena and the twins entered Snape's office. Her plan was to sneak into Snape's office and steal the supplies but where is the fun in that, huh? 

As Fred and George were changing the colours of various objects, Athena snuck into his private stores and started to take the nessecary ingredients. 

"Mate, he is coming." George said excitedly.

Athena smirked and shoved the ingredients inside the extendable bag and rushed out. She and Fred stood in the middle of the room, right infornt of the door. George were standing at the back of the door. 

The door knob twisted. Athena pointed her wand at the door. Snape entered the room.

Before Snape could take a proper glance at them Athena yelled, "Go!"

"Avis!" Athena and Fred yelled in unison. Flock of birds shot out of their wands and rounded Snape.

Athena winked at George who then jumped infront of Snape and yelled Anteoculatia, which caused Antlers to grow from Snape's head. Without wasting another second, the three sprinted out of the room laughing their heads off. 

"Thirty points from Gryffindor!" They heard Snape yell. "Detention ahh- 7 pm - god damn these birds - tomorrow!"

Once they were out of the dungeons they burst out laughing.

"hahahaha -ahhh- haahhaha - Snape's face - hahaha!" Athena was on the ground.

"That was the best yet! hahaahah" Fred said in between laughters.

They headed towards the Gryffindor common room and found Harry, Hermione and Ron sitting by the fireplace.

"Hey guys!" Fred and George said.

"Hey!" they greeted back.

"Guess what we have got."

"What?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"The ingredients," Athena said as she pulled out her bag, "But we lost thirty points for Gryffindor and earned ourselves detention tomorrow."

"It was totally worth it." Fred said.



Yea............... so............ I'm sorry...... I had a lot going on lately.... and.... couldn't find tiime to write.

I'm so so so so so sorry.

I promise to update atleast once a week alright.

I am sorry.

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