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Athena woke up on her bed. It took some time for her to adjust to the light. She brushed her teeth, took a bath and put on a pair of mom jeans and an oversized brown t-shirt. Her hair was in a pony tail. 

She went down the stairs to see Anna in Black leggings and a cropped jacket. 

"I thought we are going out to buy presents.." Anna said jokingly.

"We are, aren't we?" Athena said not getting the point.

"Yes, we are. First eat your breakfast." Anna said guesturing her to the chair.

Anna had cooked Kedgeree. Athena sat down next to Anna and started chugging it down. 

"When is Remus going to come?" Athena asked.

"Tonight," Anna replied.

Anna and Athena then apparated to diagon alley to get presents. Athena and Anna roamed around diagon alley for a long time. By the time they finished, it was six in the evening. 

Here is the list of things Athena bought:

Harry - A mug
Ron - A new pair of robe
Hermione - A bracelet
Fred and George - A book on the best pranks ever done
Draco - Classy looking quidditch gloves
Pansy - A snake ring
Crabbe and Goyle - Sweets
Anna - A new set of muggle nail polish
Remus - The CD of the newest James Bond film

Then she thought that she was all done, but Athena felt like she forgot someone. *realisation* She felt like buying a present for Snape too. Like he is trying to help her and he volunteered. So, she bought a big set of potion vails. Athena wanted to make it kinda special for him.

Once they reached home, Athena found some air-dry clay in the attic. She used them to mould snakes on the vails and painted they. They looked unique.

Athena spent two hours on wrapping presents cause Anna was busy putting up the new Christmas tree. Anna finished wrapping her presents and offered to help Athena but she refused and wanted to try the muggle style herself.

Athena was exhuasted. She sat on the couch and watched Home alone all over again and fell asleep without eating dinner.



I am so sorry for taking a long time for a new chapter. I am trying to post as soon as possible. And Merry Christmas.

Sirius Black daughter - Athena Black (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now