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Athena had a hard summer. Her mind often wandered causing her to shoot water out of her hands. Athena never went out to play cause she was scared to hurt any of her friends. She stayed in her room with the window open, only coming out to eat. She distanced herself from everything and everyone she loved. She even stoped talking to Remus when he came over to see her.

Anna began to worry for Athena's health. If she kept distancing herself, she might just loose her confidence. Remus was also getting worried about Athena's change in behaviour.

They attempted to get Athena out of her room many time. But each attempt was fruitless.

The only people apart from the Hogwarts staff, Anna and Remus who knew about Athena's curse was the trio. Athena regularly exchanged letters with the trio. She got replies from Ron and Hermione but never from Harry. She was worried about Harry. What might have happened to him?

"Honey," Anna called knocking on Athena's door. "Quick, we don't want to be late."

Athena came out of her room with her trunk. She was still nervous about going to Hogwarts. She kept telling herself that nothing bad was going to happen.

Anna was waiting for her in the living room. Once they were all set, Anna apparated them to platform nine and three quarters. It was packed with witches and wizards and yet Athena was able to spot the redheads and Hermione. She walked up to them. She felt less tense and more comfortable around the Weasly's.

"Hey there!" Athena called. This definitely caught their attention. They waved back.

"Heya!" The twins yelled back.

Athena walked closer only to notice that Ron and Harry were missing.

"Where is Ron and Harry?" Athena asked. Anna also noticed.

"Quick, children get on the train, it is going to leave." Mrs. Weasly ushered.

"But what about Harry and Ron?!" Hermione shrieked.

"They probably got lost, they might have gotten into another compartment." Anna reassured.

Athena nodded her head and got on the train. She and Hermione found a compartment to themselves.

"Where are they?" Hermione asked impatiently.

"I don't know..." Athena replied.

"Umm... How are YOU?" Hermione asked worried.

"Fine, just nervous... You know... it's Snape who is taking classes... not even Mcgonagall..." Athena replied nervously.

"You will be fine, trust me, you will give a hard time for Snape. You will surprise him." Hermione said encouragingly.

Athena smiled. She was grateful to have friends like her. She couldn't believe her luck. She once thought that she would never make any friends at Hogwarts, but made friends with Harry Potter, and two very amazing people, found pranksters and befriended Slytherins! She was no longer an ordinary girl who carries the blood of a mass murderer but a child who was bearing an unbreakable curse.

The rest of the train ride went in silence as Athena slept.

Athena woke up to Hermione shaking her.

"Wake up!"

"We reached?" Athena questioned sleepily.

"No, but we are close. And Harry and Ron.... They didn't show up...."Hermione said anxiously.

Athena began to worry.

"Maybe they sat in a different compartment?" Athena suggested.

"Yeah, maybe.... that must be it." Hermione said calming herself down.

Sirius Black daughter - Athena Black (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now