What THE Shit?!?

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"I wait to go hooooooooooooome!"

"Bella... we are home." Owen says as we do the laundry. I for some reason decided that I wanted to do the laundry at five in the morning. So here we are in the laundry room at five in the morning in our underwear.

"I know it just want to complain." I throw the now folded towel in the basket. I cross my arms and look at him and check him out as he stands there in just his boxers. I unashamedly stare at his abs and chest. "I don't want to do this anymore." I sit on the chair as I rub my little bump that as grown just a bit. It's been a week after the awards and now everyone knows that I am pregnant. I don't know who blabbed but I have my theories of who did. I think it's Pablo, mostly because he didn't know it was a secret.

"Flor, one you woke me up for this, two we are done, and three what do you want to do? I'm kinda hoping you want sleep." I smile as he walks up to me and kneels down putting his hand on my belly.

"Well it sucks to be you my beautiful husband because, I want hot chocolate and you are gonna make it with me." I smile at him as he stands and lets out a groan. "Up up." I do grabby hands.


"If you love me you will." I give him puppy eyes.

"Well... to bad." He turns and walk out the room and up the stairs. "Your lucky I'm making you hot chocolate at all." And he was gone. I stared at the door dumbfounded jaw on the floor. What the hell just happened?!?


Today is my day off so I had lots of things to do. One, get Pablo ready for school. Two Lucifer has a vet appointment to get his service dog paperwork so I had to get him loaded up in the Jeep. Ever since I found out I was pregnant I stopped taking my anxiety medication, after talking with my therapist and doctor, and my anxiety as been getting bad so they suggested that I get a service dog for when I go out on my own he would monitor me and keep people a good distance away. Three, I have an appointment to the OBGYN. And last but not least the market, we are out of snacks for both me and the pets as well as regular food stuff. I fix my white cropped tee under my overalls and grab my mini backpack and my oversized coat. "You ready bubba?"

"Yeah mamá." He runs down the stairs and straight out door. I chuckle and shake my head. I watch as Luci gets excited as Pablo jumps in the back seats with him.

"Pablo put on your seatbelt." I tell him as I fix Lucifer's belt. I hop onto my seat and we head out.


Two hours later and Lucifer and I are taking a nice walk in the park when. "Dr. De La Rosa."

"Bell I need you at the hospital asap. 911. Now please." Bailey stumbles out.

"What why what happen?" I stop and start to panic. Luci starts to circle me. I smile at him and pat his head.

"Someone hacked the hospital and I need you to come in."

"O-ok I'm on my way." I quickly hang up and we make our way back to the car.


Luci and I make it up to the conference room. "Tim, I didn't understand anything after "big." Just tell me how to stop it." Bailey looks over to a man in an FBI jacket who look like he's in charge.

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