How Many!!!!

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Hello Starshine the Earth says hello!

Hi everyone welcome back. This is the second half to Undeserving Love. Thank you everyone on 20.7k reads on Undeserving Love, it is truly amazing and I honestly appreciate it. Writing these stories have been a true escape for me during some tough times and for you all to continue reading it leaves me speechless. I never thought that I would get that far. I hope you guys enjoy this book just the same. Isabella is going for the ride of her life. You're going to be learning new things about her, going on new adventures, and the best part seeing some new dramas. Just like Isabella says it's like she's living a novela. I hope you guys enjoy.

All my love, Bean🥸

The Love That We Deserveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें