Following that crack was a loud 'SSSSCCCRRRRRREEEEECCCHHHH' sound that kept going, the light bulbs exploded and Eclipse desperately tried his very best to find the light switch again. His rays twitched and spasmed in pain and teeth are gritting together, he really didn't want to add hearing problems to his list of problems. 

Covering his ears the best he could he stumbled towards where he thought the light switch was and slammed his fist one it desperately, the screeching sound stopped and he screwed his eyes shut. Oh god... horrible... absolutely horrible... He breathes heavily, not turning that on again.... not until I fix it... Eclipse's eyes open slowly and he is met by the dim light of the bunker. 

He realizes his hands are shaking and he tries to control the shaking, he hears faint wails nearby and it was then that he remembered Sun and Moon. He stood up instantly, forgetting his 'let them suffer' mindset almost instantly he rushed over to where they were, he pushed the door open quickly and saw them crying on the bed nearby curled in a tight ball covering their ears.

He messed up.

It was not just him that suffered from possible hearing loss. 

He heard the entity say "wow, I mean I understand that was unexpected but jeez" Eclipse turned and yelled "SHUT UP! IT'S NOT MY FAULT THE LIGHTS SUDDENLY TRIED TO EXPLODE MY BRAIN!" the entity said "that's exactly why I won't punish you, that would be quite hard to detect" Eclipse grunted, why does this entity like to annoy him? Eclipse rushed over to the two balling babies, he reminded himself that they were Sun and Moon. 

(To Twisted Ties readers, Fate gets really irritable around this Eclipse for a couple of reasons. She is normally sweet and kind but she tends to hate people with the star cause they are normally connected to Star himself, thank you for reading)

He scooped them up and they hugged him sobbing, Computer had jolted awake from the sudden loud sound and rightfully so was yelling in panic. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Computer screeched and Eclipse's rays are drooped as he held Sun and Moon, he ears hurt really bad right now. "The lights" he said dully and Computer said confused "the lights? I did a scan they should be fine" Eclipse grunted "something must have broken in the middle of my little snooze session or app gaming session" he held his hand up to his ears and thankfully saw no oil.

His ears don't seem to be damaged, phew... he felt Sun and Moon clutch his sobbing and he grunted deciding he should probably check their ears for damage even if he really didn't want to. Sun and Moon clutch him tight, Eclipse noticed that now that he was here they were calming down slightly. Deciding to ignore that fact Eclipse checked their ears, much to his relief everything was fine.

Oh- uh, relief that the entity won't be mad- yeah.

Computer was doing scans himself, Eclipse's breath was a little shaky and he took some labored deep breaths to calm it. Somehow it worked, Sun and Moon calm down their sobbing and clutch him close while sniffling. I swear to god, I hate the direction my life is going. 

Eclipse sighs and got a better grip on them seeing now that he is not going to be able to get them off of him and that they are now clinging to him like gorilla glue. Eclipse's tried to lift his rays up but they refused to cooperate, Eclipse brushed it off deciding that his rays are rebooting from the sudden sound. 

Eclipse felt a soft smack on his chest and saw Sun looking at him with wide teary eyes, it took Eclipse a moment to realize that Sun was asking for a cookie. Eclipse frowned looking at him and Sun smacks again slightly harder looking at him with grumpy big pouty/puppy eyes, Eclipse groans "oh my god fine, just stop being annoying." Eclipse opened his chest compartment carefully and pulls the basket of cookies out.

He avoided Sun's grabby hands for the basket by doing some expert hand movements, so epic, and held them out of Sun and Moon's reach. Moon just looks confused by the baskets existence, Sun knows what's coming though cause he grinned widely trying to climb up Eclipse's arm.

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