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Jaekyung had finished his lovely breakfast and made his way to the laundry to give Kim Dan a thank you.  Kim Dan was just in the middle of storing his clothes in the washer, when he jumped due to the surprise Jaekyung greeted him with.

He had felt a sudden embrace around his waist, Jaekyungs hands snaked around his hips and rested his chin on Kim Dans shoulder.  Kim Dan hated himself for blushing.  He felt his cheeks heat up to a deep red..

"That breakfast was lovely..thank you, Dan.  But what brought this on, huh" Mr. Joo raised an eyebrow.  Kim Dan gathered up all of his courage, and to Jaekyungs surprise, slapped his arm away.

Jaekyung was a little taken aback.  Kim Dan had never resisted his touch..but he couldn't say he wasn't surprised.  "No problem.". Kim Dans response was short and blank, he ignored Jaekyungs question.  Dan approached the exit and walked out, leaving Jaekyung...confused.

It startled Jaekyung..how his heart throbbed a little when he saw how..damaged the smaller boy was.  It confused him on how he felt a strange emotion he wasn't familiar with; sympathy.

Never in Jaekyungs life had he ever felt empathic for someone.  But seeing how destroyed Kim Dan had been since last night...No matter how hard he tried ti hide it, it was evident he stlll wasn't healed.  And something about that broke Jaekyung.

He knew he was a dick for it.  Kim Dan wouldn't have thought it was fair.  Smashing a man into a glass shower adding onto his already overloaded trauma, beating his frail body up and then silently feeling apologetic..it's not fair.

Kim Dan on the other hand, suffered in silence.  Never would he speak up or openly admit he craved an apology.  All his life, he's been taking all the rough comments from Jaekyung, or even just in general..he would just take it and take it until he couldn't anymore, but it had never been this bad.  And now, Jaekyung had really fucking crossed him.

Kim Dan wasn't quite familiar with this emotion either..He felt something boil inside him, something inside his blood that made his eye twitch.  Something that made his heart drop deep to his stomach..something that made him want to explode.

He had to admit, he was a little ashamed of it, but when the memories of last night come flooding back to him, lingering in the back of his mind, all that shame turned to pure rage.  No matter how hard he tried to push it to the back of his head, he just can't seem to forget the incidents..He hated this.  He hated how Jaekyjng was so..unpredictable.  Like you could never know whag his next move was.

He could really make you feel special if you wanted too...like shower you with money and expose you to acts of kindness.  Even the bare minimum excited Kim Dan way more than its should have..He would pay off your debt and help a elderly hospital member...and then he would switch.  Like a bipolar patient in a mental institution.

After attacking you with his acts of kindness, that would all fade away to words of aggression.  He was confusing, after all those somewhat thoughtful things he did for Dan, he suddenly...just...switched.  As if it was illegal to show kindness..as if he couldn't be caught dead being generous in the slightest.  He would kill you with his unnecessarily mean comments, he would spit and shout at you for every little thing you did slightly wrong and take his anger out on him, he hated it.  Hated isnt a strong enough word, he despised it.  Despised it just as much as he loved him.

                      Time Skip To The Gym

Coach Nawook was in his usual wear. His burgundy t shirt, circling his body mix of fat flesh and muscles along with his khaki pants. Kim Dan had been in his usual uniform too, he hated it because it held onto the memories of last night, clinging to it like a lion clinging to its prey. Dan couldn't look at his clothes without seeing the blood stains...the broken glass..th-

"Hello?! Dan, what on earth happened! Your covered in wounds and bruises and- Oh dear..Your cheek! There was tons of scars- How did this happen?!". As much as it guilted Dan, hearing Coaches voice right now gave him a little bit of a headache. He snapped out of his thoughts and came down to earth, unsure of a response. Nothing could excuse this..

He gulped a lump down his throat, stammering on his words. Sweat trickled down his forehead when he felt Jaekyung staring in the corner of his eye, glaring intensely. But he just couldn't look back , not yet..it would completely give it away.

"O-oh Uh..I just..Well funny story actually, I tripped down the stairs and damaged my neck and arms a little..b-but the scars.. Um..."

"A cat! M-my cat..a-attacked me last night..Don't worry about it! It doesn't hurt, I got it treated well and it should heel fast.". He internally smacked himself at the pity, weak excuse.

Coach Nawook gave a concerned, suspicious stare Anyone can see that's not from a fall, or a cat..Unless a lion came to his house and brutally attacked him, no cat could've done that much damage..

He stared for a moment, before nodding and squinted his eyes in slight curiosity. "I..- Okay. Just..Please, be safe..". Kim Dan nodded, he held back a sigh of relief when Coach Nawook finally walked away. His heart was no longer closed up and tight..

By the time he left, he turned back and Jaekyungs gaze was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't complaining about that. He sighed in relief, but his chest felt heavy when..Oh God..he came to the realization that he knew he'd receive a whole bunch of questions by everyone else..The rest of the loud gym buddies caught his attention, they were laughing and joking loudly, their giggles echoing deafeningly. This was going to be a long day...he didn't feel like explaining himself...He should've worn something that had more coverage, he regretted not. He made a mental note for the next day.

Throughout the rest of the practice, it was exhausting and pressuring how much times he had to explain each individual how he "fell down the stairs and then got attacked by a cat", but everyone seemed to buy it..Everyone except...-


Gosh, Jaekyung is such a dick! Anyway, I want to explain a few things.  Recently, I had run into some health problems, both physical and mental.  I wasn't unable to upload chapters for such a while and received some comments about that, and I am so sorry for taking so long to upload.  I hope you enjoyed these two new chapters!  I noticed how much reads this book gotten,  and I also wanted to thank you all.  I am so appreciative and truly thankful for all of this.  Again, apologies for taking a break for so long, Thank you all for your patience!

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