255: A Little Louisianan Parlour Trick

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A Little Louisianan Parlour Trick

"No offence to your mum," Ryan kept talking when Ryos didn't, "I never liked her obsession with chess."

As Ryos refused to move from behind the coffee table, Ryan took all of his scribbles in, reading each word and eventually clocking the board. The colour of the pieces - the design. the instruments in each pieces hand, shaping them into a band as Ryan rolled up his shirt sleeves.

"It's not right."

"It was her," Ryos reasoned, "Every interaction."

MJ finally found the strength to pull herself up, still wrapped in jackets, plopping down on the sofa.

Watching as Kol grabbed one of the plates of snacks.

He didn't walk back straight away, just inching non-conspicuously, knowing he was probably meant to be playing guard to her father but unable to stop himself.

"Needed it to know her."

"You guys were kids."

MJ liked chess.

"Your interactions with the world shouldn't be in that format," Ryan started to reset the pieces, "Life isn't a win-or-lose strategy."

The games had been her way to frame magic.

"All this," Ryan nodded back to the papers, "Means everyone gets to live?"

"It's just my thoughts," Ryos stayed vague.

"And MJ's immune?" Ryan pondered, "From what I've been told, you made a very lethal werewolf bite, but your sister just happens to be immune?"

"Siphoner genes."

"What do you mean when you say that?"

Kol tensed by the sofa.

"I may be new at this," Ryan smiled innocently, "But, to my understanding, Floare magic is blood, ancestral is the body...Siphoners lack a natural store of magic; how does that affect immunity?"

Ryos narrowed his eyes slowly.

"Are all Floare immune? Because that would make slightly more sense, but I have a feeling the siphoner part is pretty key, which feels – "

"The wolf venom latches on to the vampirism and strips the magic from you," Ryos answered, "She's already permanently stripping herself every time she casts a spell as a hybrid. She's used to it – adapted."

Ryan didn't look convinced, "How did you make it?"

Klaus and Cami appeared on the balcony, having heard questions they couldn't ignore.

"No more easy cure, just death – except for MJ!"

"There's a siphoning element to it," Ryos added, "A lot of dark objects strip magic. There's a sword, special bullets, fountains – so many random things scattered around the world."

"And you used some of that magic in a venom injection?"

"God," Ryos looked at MJ, "You've really dragged him in."

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