**Story 24: The Tale of Prince Sparklehands**

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**Story 24: The Tale of Prince Sparklehands**

In the kingdom of Gleaming Meadows, there lived a small prince named Oliver, known to all as Prince Sparklehands. Despite his regal upbringing, Prince Sparklehands harbored a peculiar aversion—he detested washing his hands before meals.

The kingdom, renowned for its shimmering cleanliness, puzzled over the prince's reluctance. The royal washbasin, adorned with fragrant soaps and soft towels, stood as a testament to the kingdom's commitment to hygiene.

However, Prince Sparklehands, with his tiny crown perched atop golden curls, viewed this routine as a tiresome inconvenience.

Each mealtime, the royal feast awaited in the grand dining hall. The table adorned with silverware and gleaming dishes, the aroma of delectable dishes wafting through the air—all seemed perfect, except for the prince's unwashed hands.

The wise queen, his mother, tried various methods to convince him. She offered scented soaps with enchanting fragrances, but Prince Sparklehands was unyielding.

The royal courtiers suggested amusing songs and tales about magical handwashing adventures, yet the small prince remained defiant.

One day, a mischievous pixie named Twinkleflutter, who loved mischief as much as Prince Sparklehands, noticed his reluctance. Twinkleflutter, with her twinkling eyes and gossamer wings, decided to play a gentle trick on the prince.

As Prince Sparklehands sat at the royal table, ready to delve into a feast of delights, Twinkleflutter sprinkled a dash of sparkling pixie dust on his hands. To his amazement, the tiny particles transformed into shimmering stars, dancing across his palms.

"What enchantment is this?" exclaimed Prince Sparklehands, captivated by the celestial spectacle.

Twinkleflutter, with a mischievous grin, whispered, "It's the magic of cleanliness, dear prince. If you wash your hands, they will be sparkling like the stars. Additionally you will be ready for a royal feast!"

The small prince, delighted by the unexpected enchantment, eagerly washed his hands in the royal basin. The sparkling stars embraced his tiny fingers, making the mundane task feel like a magical ritual.

Word of Prince Sparklehands' newfound fascination with handwashing spread throughout the kingdom. The royal subjects, inspired by the enchanting display, adorned their own washbasins with twinkling lights, turning handwashing into a nightly celebration.

From that day forward, Prince Sparklehands became a beacon of cleanliness in the kingdom of Gleaming Meadows. His hands, forever adorned with the celestial glow, transformed a simple act into a royal tradition, spreading joy and sparkle throughout the land.

And so, in the kingdom where cleanliness sparkled like stars, Prince Sparklehands, once a small prince with unwashed hands, became a cherished symbol of magical hygiene.

**Moral of the Tale:**
Sometimes, a touch of magic can turn the simplest tasks into enchanting adventures. Embracing cleanliness not only adds sparkle to our lives but also inspires those around us to join in the magic.


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