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"Can I come in?" She asked me. I hadn't even noticed I was an obstruction. I nodded. What did Mandy want? Why was she here? I had done a LOT of talking for a day and even though my throat had had a long rest for the past one year, it wasn't enough. Also, even when I was... normal, normal enough to communicate with people, I found difficult to converse with people I wasn't familiar with which was what the online test I'd  used as a point to buttress why they believed I had, no, have selective mutism.
I motioned to my reading chair for Mandy to sit and she did. She was wearing a set of black and white checkered pajamas.
"I heard from Vance that you'll be leaving for school tomorrow" I don't know why, it wasn't a question but I nodded affirmatively. Mandy used an hairband to secure her hair into a rough bun before saying "I'm willing to help you pack up if you don't mind" I smiled in both relief and appreciation. I had so much to pack and so little help not to talk of the small amount of energy I had left.
We started with my school supplies and filled the first compartment of my box with a miscellaneous accumulation of random stuff. Thereafter, we moved on to my toiletries, underwear and skin care products although I didn't have much of the latter.
I believe an hour or two already passed since Mandy and I started packing my clothes. We were currently in the kitchen having hot chocolate and cookies since it was quite cold for some reason. We were slowly getting closer to each other and I was already talking to her, I guess she made me feel quite comfortable.
"Wow, it's when we finally got along with each other that you're leaving." Mandy said.
"I don't leave until 10am tomorrow. Wanna go out?"
"Alright" Mandy replied and we were quiet till we both finished our Chocolate. We then retired to our bedrooms for a good night rest.

* * *
I'd barely even slept when my alarm went off. Lazily, I hit the snooze button before kicking my comforters off. Still in my grey pajama shorts and tank top, I made my way down the stairs. A pleasant and satisfying aroma  of what I supposed was pancake hit my nostrils so I took in another breath.
"Morning Mandy" I voiced out when I reached the entrance of the kitchen.
"Oh Jun. Good morning to you too. How was your night rest?"
"Not enough" I said rubbing my eyes like that was gonna take the sleep away.
"How about you sleep for a few minutes, about half an hour" Mandy suggested. I really needed that but considering the fact she was really supportive the previous night, I refused.
"Nuh-uh. I'll stay right here and help you." After this statement, I received a charming smile from Mandy. She then put an apron on my neck like some sort of medal and I gracefully turned so she could help me tie it behind my back. I can't believe I was avoiding her. Of course, I still love my mum and she's irreplacable but Mandy is a real angel. And then, for the next few minutes, we spent it being really productive.
"Want a taste?" Mandy asked me putting a plate of waffles and pancakes in the centre. I nodded.
"I'll get the syrup" OK? If I thought I knew how to cook, I really needed to learn from Mandy. Damn, this is the type of healthy meal whose taste explodes in your mouth.
"The guys will be down soon. Let's set the table." Mandy said.
"Good idea" I replied.

I rested my hand on the wall as I watched Jo and Mandy. They were finally getting along. A small smile crept to my face and I wiped the stray tear that threatened to make its escape down my cheeks. All I wanted was for J to be happy and for our relationship to grow but after her mum, the tie that bond us, died, our relationship died alongside her too. She stopped talking, just a few words daily, then she stopped eating often but she never smiled not once... Only if you'll count those bitter and dry smiles which was more of a mask than a proof of her inner feeling but here she was talking to Mandy about God knows what. She gave Mandy a fist bump and Mandy winked at her. My cover was ruined by a sneeze. Almost immediately, they both turned with wide eyes
"How long have you been here?" Mandy inquired with a pout as she walked towards me. I wrapped my hands round her petite frame.
"How long have you been this pretty?" She gave me a shy smile and I hugged her even tighter.
"Good morning" Romano said from behind. "You didn't have to leave the bedroom, you know?" He said walking towards J.
"Hey J"
"Sup Ro" She said in what sounded like a whisper. He cocked an eyebrow, his gaze fixated on the plate of waffles and pancakes. She let out a low chuckle before giving him some in his already open mouth. I walked towards the duo.
"Daddy wants some too." Romano and Juno exchanged a look I couldn't decipher while cocking their heads to the side.
"Please excuse us" Romano said pulling Juno away through the back door.
"Ew!" "Gross" I heard them both say. I turned to Mandy and she shook her head whilst patting my back.
"Do you know how inappropriate "daddy wants some" sounds?" My eyes widened in realisation and I pulled away.
"No no no, I'm not... I did not-" I was interrupted when I felt Mandy's lips on mine. Before I could react, she pulled away. "It's alright let's eat breakfast"
* * *
My two jewels, Mandy and J, made their way down the stairs. They were both wearing white tees although Mandy wore a blue jean trouser and a white Nike while J wore a thigh skimming jort of the same colour alongside white and black Retro sneakers. Mandy had a small black purse as an accessory plus bracelets and necklaces of silver colour. Juno had a black mini backpack whose strap rested on her shoulders. She didn't have extra accessories, just her regular earrings and the necklace ger mum had given her since birth.
"We're off," Mandy said walking towards the door, her hands locked with Juno's. I knew I shouldn't speak, that I should shut up and as much as I wanted to shut it, my curiosity had the best of me.
"To where?"
"Girls' outing" I waved my hands in the air as I continued to watch my game. " Just come back soon enough, Hendrix is far from here"
"Alright" Mandy replied and closed the door.

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