Chapter 5⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

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Stan's Pov: ೃ⁀➷
When I called Kyle a Fag, I was reflecting on myself, I was calling myself a Fag...but still, stupid Jew Kyle... he doesn't have to know everything! Fucking smart-dumbass... God I just...

I went under the stairs, I was a complete mess, sobbing and shit. God I'm so pathetic, crying over a boy. A boy who isn't even gay.

What was I thinking? Even if I like Kyle...even if I think he's cute or hot... I have no chance with someone who's 100% straight.

I continued to sob, being in a fetus position until I checked my phone: 3:30 pm. Finally, it was home time, now instead of crying under the stairs I can go cry on my bed!

As I was walking home, feeling like absolute shit I remembered...FUCK! Tolkien's party is today! And I can't just miss it..! Number 1 I promised Wendy I would be there, and number 2, there's rumours going around about there being alcohol. Anddd I still haven't asked my parents for permission...

I walked up to my front door, unlocking it.

I was greeted by an angry face of my Mom.

"Stanley Marsh! I just got a call of you skipping class again! How many times have I told you? Highschool is a place for learning! Not for goofing around! You're not 10 anymore... Get it together" My mom was clearly pissed, there's no way she'll let me go to Tolkien's party.

"Right right...sorry mom, I guess I'll start getting it together now by going to bed earlier." I mumbled, I was lying, I just wanted an excuse for her to not check if I was sleeping yet.

My mom sighed "That's not much, but I guess it's an improvement, now go to your room and think about what you did!" She sternly said, pointing up to my bedroom.

I grunted, walking up to my bedroom and face planting onto my bed, instead of thinking about how I skipped class, all I could think about was Kyle. I can't believe our friendship was over, and I'm the cause of it. Well... wouldn't have happened if Kyle didn't push me... yeah...

I hugged my pillow, drowning in my thoughts, alone. Until I was interrupted by Shelley, "Wake up, turd, I have an approach" What is she on about...? Nonetheless, I looked up, annoyed. "I know your going to Tolkien's party tonight" Wha—how the fuck does she know?

"How do you know??" I questioned.

"Tolkien invited one of my younger friends, she told me about the party, he's totally trying to bag her."

"Well...why the hell do you care?"

"Did you really think you were gonna be able to go to his party with no consequence? You know Randy and Sharon check if you're sleeping every night" she scoffed.

"Well yeah—but I told mom that I was going to sleep early tonight..."

"Not gonna work, turd, now she's suspicious of you and she's DEFINETLY gonna check regularly." She remarked.

"Well shit, what the fuck am I gonna do now?"

"I can help, with a price."

"Fine what."
"I'll tell Randy and Sharon that I'll be the one checking you regularly, since I have homework to do anyway. They're usually busy at night so they'll be glad. And unlike you, I'm actually deemed responsible in their eyes, so they'll believe that I'll tell them the truth. But, in order to get this, in the future you'll have to arrange a day for when you, Randy, and Sharon are OUT of this house, for at least 4 hours. I wanna have my boyfriend over and you KNOW how Randy's like..."

It sounded really promising, and the deal was easy, mom and dad would be HOUNERED to spend a day with me, since I never go out with them.

"Deal, wanna pinky promise it?" I immediately said it.

Shelley rolled her eyes, as she approached me and held out her pinky, I interlocked my pinky with hers "You're so immature" She sighed, I giggled "True, but it's to make sure, I never break pinky promises."

We nodded and as she left, I remarked to her: "And sis, you gotta stop calling mom and dad by their first names, it's creeping me out" In response she just gave me the middle finger. I laughed my ass off. Shelley somehow always makes me feel better, maybe she's not as bad as I thought.

Outed (Kyle x Stan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora