Chapter 6*:..。o○

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Stan's Pov: ೃ⁀➷
It was time, the party was at 8 pm, it was just about 7:30 pm now. I told mom goodnight, in my pyjamas and all that shit. I closed my bedroom door and went into bed. I turned off the lights and pretended to sleep. It was really boring waiting for Shelley's signal, but finally she came and opened my door a bit, she gave me the thumbs up. Alright, it was time to rock and roll now.

As soon as she closed the door, I quietly got up and began dressing for Tolkien's party.

I got all spazzed up and climbed out my window...shit I forgot like a ladder or something. I climbed down the pipe carefully, I felt like spiderman in that moment, lol.

I ran until I was out of sight of my house, puffing, I started to walk to Tolkien's party. Man, this party should make me feel happier with all the alcohol!

Kyle's Pov:*ೃ༄ 
Man, this party is pretty boring. Or maybe it's cause I'd prefer to be hanging out with Stan. Speaking of which, I hope he's okay... I didn't mean it when I said we should stop being super best friends...god I can be kinda stupid sometimes... At this point I don't care if we're only best friends...only friends... only acquaintances. I just wanna be next to him... Huh pretty ironic I'm thinking this when I'm listening to the song Mr.Loverman by Ricky Montogomery... (Yes I brought headphones to a party, I knew it would be boring) I swear I don't have a crush on him. He's just nice to be around.

I was sipping the 'water'...until I realised...OH SHIT this is FUCKING VODKA, ALCOHOL. And I had been sipping this cup the entire party! Oh goddd.... Maybe that's why I was thinking like that?? God dammnit I'm going to FUCKING KILL whoever said this was just 'regular water!' I spat it back into the cup, oh my god... are the effects already taking me over..??! No...No I'll be fine, it was just one cup. My thoughts were already a jumbled mess, but I broke down even further when I saw Stan enter the party. He was frantically looking around, probably for Wendy explaining why he's late. But I couldn't care about Wendy, I needed to apologise to him. I was pushing my way through the crowd to get to Stan until someone made the mic of the party have feedback...and it was... Eric?! What the hell is he gonna do now...??

"Welcome all to the douche's party! I hope you all have been enjoying this party... But now I must break the fun unfortunately to announce something VERY important..." Eric declared into the mic. Everybody groaned but listened in, because usually Eric has all the latest tea.

"It's to my surprise that one of you in this very room is actually... gay!" Some people made a 'eww noise', some gasped and some didn't react at all...for me though, I was scared. He's definitely talking about me...

Stan's Pov: ೃ⁀➷
As soon as he announced that, I was scared. He's definitely talking about me... I mean he was even looking at me like a little child that stole a lollipop! That bastard! He told me he wouldn't tell anybody if I stayed away from Kyle! AND I FUCKING DID! This fatass...! I mouthed to Cartman 'don't you dare...', but he smirked.

"Drum roll pleaaaaseeee!" I think only Clyde actually started to make a drum roll noise by slapping his legs, he's immature like me.

"The fag in the room is... STAN!" People gasped, shit... everybody knows that I'm dating Wendy. The room went silent as slowly everybody turned their head towards me...shit well maybe I can still keep my relationship; they might think I'm I said I thought I was.... Okay life kinda ruined... not so bad...

"AND HE'S IN LOVE WITH KAHL!" Cartman blurted.
FUCK FUCK FUCK! NOW THEY THINK IM ON THE DICK SIDE! People gasped louder as I heard a glass cup break...I'd have to assume it was Wendy's glass cup... I mean if I found out my boyfriend was gay and in love with his best friend I would drop my glass too... Everybody slowly turned their heads to Kyle. Giving him all the attention in the room. I could barely see Kyle but I could tell he was blushing red.

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