Matt- Panic Attack?

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Not a request

Hey hey hey, I know I'm very behind on requests and I'll get there but this one came to my head and now I gotta do it before I forget.

Today was one of my first times driving on open road in the dark, and I thought of this then 😁.

So enjoy!

Tw:Panic Attack, breakdown, gaggine


Matt had felt off all day. At first, he noticed a slight headache right above his left eyebrow.

Another thing he noticed was the growing tightness in his chest. His heart felt like it was caving in on itself, like it was gonna explode out of his chest.

The last thing he noticed is his short temper. Everything his brothers were doing was pissing him off, even if it was to help him.

Like this morning, Chris was only trying to assist his brother by doing the dishes for him. But Matt, who had a splitting headache, yelled at him. The one time Chris wanted to do something, it had to be when Matt felt like taking his brain out of his head and running over it with a large truck.

So Matt walked into his room, feeling guilty, having freaked out for no reason. He was so confused.

He thought it was his tiredness, but the more the days dragged on, it seemed like it was more than that.

Matt couldn't remember the last time he showered. Days, probably.

He'd drew away from his brothers because of his short temper. He strayed away so as to not hurt them further.

His brothers didn't fail to notice their brother's recent behavior.

Nick tried to convince Matt to eat, and Matt would, but barely. Barely enough for a child, let alone a 20 year old man.

And Chris, he tried to play video games with his older brother, but every time, Matt claimed he was tired and sulked back into his room.

Chris and Nick had discussed what to do. They were worried, and they only saw their brother when it was time to film, and even then, it was like he wasn't even there. Like he was lost in his own mind, leaving reality behind.

But after talking about it some more, Nick and Chris decided to invite Matt on a late night ride with no camera. Just the three of them, no audience.

It took some convincing, but Matt eventually caved.

So the three boys piled in the car and drove out to the outskirts of LA, where it was dark.

Music was playing, but the car was filled with an unusual silence; almost awkward, no one wanted to speak first.

As they drove farther from the city, Matt's chest got tighter and tighter. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the wheel. His breathing picked up as well as his speed.

He subconsciously sped up, without even realizing that his brothers looked at him with worry in their eyes.

"Matt? The speed limit is 55, and you're going..." Chris leaned over, just enough so that he could see the speedometer. "70. Slow down, dude."

Matt didn't respond because he couldn't hear. The thoughts in his head were too loud for him to understand what was going around behind him.

"Matt? Matt!" Nick grabbed Matt's shoulder, squeezing, hoping to bring their brother back from his little side quest.

Matt stared straight ahead, with no expression on his face.

His breathing was still labored, but it seemed like he was holding his breath.

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