Matt- Injured in Sports

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Request by Shittydaysinlife

"Could you do one where Matt gets hurt during a hockey game?"

Anything my pookie wookie bear 💋🫶🏿❤️

Anyway, yeah, I got you.

Tw:Hospital, injury shit (idfk)


Nick cheered from the stands as he watched his brothers skate across the ice with their team.

The score was 7-2, Matt and Chris's team winning. The other team was getting demolished, and with loss comes saltiness.

After Chris scored their 5th goal, the other team flipped a switch and started to get really physical. They were burying teammates, getting penalties left and right, although that didn't stop them from trying their hardest to injure their opponents.

So far, Matt had lost 2 teammates, one to a fist fight that ensued, one from taking a stick to the head.

It was such a physical game that more referees had to be called for backup.

As Matt skated towards the goal, Chris sent him the puck, smiling as his brother took off.

Matt felt like he was flying, hearing the crowd scream and cheer. He skated past 3 defenders, easily shaking them and making his way to the goalie.

What he didn't see was two opponents on either side of him. They speed up, going only a little faster than Matt.

Matt's face wrinkles in confusion as the two opponents slow down ahead of him.

One of them smiled a toothy grin at Matt, and before he knew it, they were swinging their hockey sticks up and stopping, basically acting as a limbo stick, a game Matt was unaware they were playing.

Matt's face dropped as he realized he didn't have enough time to slow down.

The sticks smacked his chest, his momentum continuing, even though he had stopped.

Matt's feet flew from beneath him as he collapsed to the ground, slamming on the ice.

Gasps echo, then the crowd goes silent. Matt laid on the ice, gasping for air, the sticks and him hitting the ice, having knocked it all out of him.

He heard cheering, which means either someone scored or there was a fight, but Matt didn't care.

He couldn't breathe. His rolled on his side, grabbing his chest, gasping for air.

He felt the presence of someone, but he didn't  know who.

He can't breathe, his head is pounding, his chest feels like it's on fire, and his shoulder feels like it's been stabbed 400 times.

He felt familiar hands and heard muffled yelling, but he had no idea what was happening. All he feels is pain, and he makes that very known.

Screams of agony leave Matt's mouth, causing the crowd to go silent. All that can be heard are Matt's loud, tearful sobs echoing the stadium.

"Matthew! Matt, what hurts, bub?" Matt hears a familiar voice, but his eyes are squeezed shut, so he can't pinpoint who it is.

Matt groans tearfully, pain etched on his face.

"You gotta talk to us, babes. What's the matter? What hurts?" The voice sounds again. This time, Matt recognizes it, and his eyes shoot open.

Nick's heart breaks as he stands over his teary-eyed brother. His little brother, who generally had a pretty high pain tolerance, screaming in pain.

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