Nick- Passing Out on Stage

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Request by corrwwa

"You can do one where they're on tour on stage playing a game, and Nick starts to feel bad but doesn't say anything so as to not ruin the fun. Until it ends badly, and he passes out, and Chris and Matt take care of him."


I'm gonna add a little spin to it, though. I think you might like it. I hope you enjoy.

Tw: Passing out


Nick knew it wasn't gonna be a good day when he woke up with a sickening headache. Even more when he tried to stand up, he felt so lightheaded that he thought his head was gonna fall off.

He'd never felt more dizzy and disoriented in his entire life.

What's even worse, the stress of the tour was starting to get to him. He'd started having trouble sleeping, eating, and even drinking. Yesterday, he ate some crackers in the morning, along with a small glass of water... and that was it.

On top of all of that, he still wasn't completely used to being on stage in front of 700 plus people. It made him anxious, but not as anxious as it made Matt, so he never complained about it. Instead, he internally panicked, having attacks in the venues' bathroom, blaming the long time he spent in the restroom on the lack of a toilet on the bus.

Anyway, Nick stood up, immediately sitting back down, feeling extremely lightheaded and seeing black dots.

Nick thought for sure he was gonna pass out, right then and there, on the tour bus.

He didn't. Thankfully, the dots disappeared, and he was left with nausea and a somehow worse headache. Nick sat there for a while, trying to decide whether he should get up or if he should lay back down until his headache went away.

He must've taken too long because fate decided for him, as Matt, Chris, and Elmer walked in, laughing and joking loudly.

"Yo, wassup Nick." Elmer said, dapping the older triplet up, and then continuing his conversation with Matt without receiving an answer from Nick.

Nick stood up slowly, this time keeping all of his eyesight. He started towards the back or the bus to the room they used for changing.

Chris eyed his older brother suspiciously before following him into the room.

"Hey, Nick, you good?" Chris asked, knocking on the door.

"Huh? Come in." Nick was standing next to the couch , with his suitcase open, rummaging through it.

"You good?" Chris repeated as he walked in.

"Oh. Yeah. I'm just tired." Nick said, turning towards Chris briefly, before turning back to his suitcase.

In those 5 seconds, Nick looked at him, and Chris took some notes. 1, his brother looked paler than usual. Nick looked gloomy. 2, his eye bags are so heavy it looked like he was going on vacation for 4 months. And 3, he'd been worried about Nick for a while now.

He'd noticed Nick's slow refusal to eat. He'd noticed the lack of empty water bottles scattered around everywhere. He'd noticed the breaks Nick took after standing. He'd noticed the amount of time Nick was in the bathroom, which was fine, Chris didn't mind. But it was when Nick walked out, eyes red and puffy, and nose stuffy.

The lack of complaining. The lack of communication. It was all weird. It's too weird for Chris.

Chris looked at Nick unconvinced. "Are you sure? You look like shit."

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