Chris- Fear of Roller Coasters

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Request by lydraine

"Could you do one where Chris is scared of Roller Coasters and Matt and Nick make him get on one, fluff, tears, and love ensue?"

Yes, I can! I'm sorry about the wait!

Also, fair warning, I've never been to Disneyland or Disney World, so if the description of the ride is wrong, bare with me 😭

Tw: Crying if that bothers you, although if you've made it this far into the book, you should be okay.


Chris hated roller-coasters. He couldn't understand how someone could enjoy being flipped upside down at a high rate of speed. He didn't see the joy in tormenting his stomach and head with the dizziness that comes from the tossing and turning.

So when Matt and Nick asked him to get on 'Space Mountain' at Disneyland, it was an easy no.

He stood by that no, until Nathan offered to give him 100 bucks if he did it. That got his gears turning. His firm no's slowly turning into hesitant head shakes until it became a hesitant head nod.

Chris did it. He gave into the peer pressure, and now there he was, sitting in the metal buggy. With his heart in his stomach, he buckled up, nervously biting his nails.

Matt must've noticed because he put his arm around Chris's shoulder and squeezed as if to say,'You got this, bud.'

After the conductor announced all of the safety precautions, Chris squeezed the bars as hard as he could as the buggy started to move. That's when he started to panic.

"No. I can't do this. Get me off this shit." Chris said, attempting to lift the bar up.

Nick smacked him on the back of the head. "Dude, there's kids here. Watch your mouth."

"I don't give a fuck, Nick. Get me off this ride." Chris said, panicking more as the tracks started to point at the sky.

Matt rubbed Chris's back. "We can't. We've already started moving. It's gonna be okay, bubs."

Chris's eyes started welling up with tears as they got to the top of the first hill.

"I can't do this." Chris muttered out as they stopped at the top waiting with anticipation.

"You're okay, Chris. You're gonna be -" Matt was cut off by the buggy dropping 12 feet and going back up again, turning a corner hard.

Screams left all 4 of the boys' mouths, 3 of them being screams of joy. The 4th scream was a scream of terror.

Chris was horrified by the drop. The whole ride, he  was sobbing, hating the entire experience. His stomach tossed and turned with the curves and bumps. He could feel his food moving in his body as nausea grew from his stomach.

After what felt like forever, the ride ended, and the security bars lifted as the conductor wished everyone a good rest of their day.

Chris was a mess. He cried almost the whole ride. By the end, he'd run out of tears, so he just let his nausea set in and resigned himself to silence.

Matt, Nick, and Nate laughed about the ride, mostly about how much Nathan screamed.

Chris was silent, attempting to calm some of the dizziness in his chest.

The nausea got so bad that Chris sat down on a bench suddenly, putting his head in his hands, letting tears fall onto his sweatpants.

The next thing he knew, he felt arms, holding his forearms, followed by a soft voice.

It was Nick who noticed Chris on the bench and went sprinting over to him, squating in front of him. Instead of all 3 bombarding him with questions, Nick sent Matt and Nate to get food.

"Chris... what's wrong, sweetie?" Nick asks gently, concern lacing his voice.

Chris answered with a soft sob, followed by a sniffle.

"Aw, honey." Nick wrapped his arms around Chris's stomach, Chris moving his body with Nick's, allowing Nick to pull Chris into a hug.

The hug is all it took for the dam to break, Chris sobbing harshly in Nick's arms.

After a couple minutes, Nick sat next to Chris, who'd stop sobbing as hard, tears only occasionally running down his face.

"Wanna talk about it?" Nick asked.

Chris nodded. "I was so scared, Nick. I couldn't breathe. I was like crying, and I couldn't see, and I was so dizzy and like nauseous." Chris took a deep, shaky breath, trying not to work himself up again.

Nick rubbed Chris's back, making circles in his hoodie.

"It's okay, Chrissy. It's over. You don't have to be scared. I'm sorry we made you get on it." Nick spoke just loud enough for Chris to hear him.

Chris nodded slowly. "I know. I know." He wiped his eyes, but the tears kept coming.

He started to sob harder, leaning on Nick's shoulder.

"Here, let's turn you around." Nick suggests, Chris complys.

Nick embraces Chris, who's now in the fetal position.

After about 5 minutes, Nick and Chris hear familiar voices, calling their names. Neither of them look up, Nick hoping Matt catches the hint.

Luckily, Matt does, but that doesn't stop him from walking over to the two of them.

"Everything okay?" He asks Nick.

Nick nods. "It will be."  He continues to rub Chris's back.

Matt nods, knowing he can't ask now, as much as he's curious as to what happened.

Nick motions towards the ride with his head, and then Matt seems to get it. His gaze softens as he looks at Chris.

He pats his younger brothers back before going back and talking to Nate, who looks at Chris and sighs.

Nick smiles sympathetically, sighing mentally. His butt is getting numb.

"Hey, Chris? Do you wanna go back to the car?" Nick  traces circles on his brothers back.

Chris grunted in response, telling Nick that he was asleep.

"Come on, let's get you to the car, babes." Nick says, helping Chris sit up.

Chris rubs his eyes before standing up and stretching. He starts to the direction of the car, Nick following him.

Nick walks over to Matt to get keys before catching up with Chris.

After 30 minutes of looking for the car, they finally found it, and Chris sat in the passenger seat, letting the seat all the way back. He faced his body toward  the window, his back to Nick, who was in the drivers seat.

"Take a nap. You'll feel better when you wake up." Nick says, patting Chris's back.

Chris didn't say anything, already on his way into a heavy sleep.

Nick was right. Chris woke up about an hour later, feeling much better. There was still time left, so Nick and Chris met up with Nate and Matt.

Matt and Nate hadn't done much, mostly trying a bunch of the foods.

But when Chris and Nick met up with them, Matt sighed with relief, joyful that his younger brother feeling better.


Gotta be one of the worst endings I've ever written, but that's okay.

I'm on a roll, and if tomorrow goes well, I should have another one out.

Love, Syd

(1188 words)

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