Matt - Sick at Night

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Request by mattgirlys

"If you're doing requests, could you do one about Matt getting sick at night."


Look at me! 2 chapters within 24 hours!

Tw:Vomit, panic attack, wet towel (not by Matt, tho)

Unlike our normal stories, this one features a special guest.


The whole day was amazing. The boys went to Boston, surprising their whole family, including Nate and Justin.

They made plans to see a movie and eat dinner at a cute little diner.

Everyone ordered and got their food, and it was good... mostly.

Matt's the only one who got chicken tenders, and they tasted weird. He didn't think anything of it, but if he'd known what was gonna happen that night, he would've.

He finished his whole meal, and he noticed the feeling didn't go away.

Matt shook it off and continued on with his night.

The whole family went back to the house and separated into two groups, the adults and the younger adults.

The night continued, and everyone went to sleep in their rooms.

Maddie slept in Nick's room, Nate slept in Matt's room, and Chris was by himself, which he didn't mind.

Matt's stomach was still turning from the chicken earlier, and Nathan must've noticed something was wrong.

"You good?" Nate asks from Matt's couch.

"Huh- Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm good." Matt says, forcing a smile. His stomach feels like it's twisting inside out, but he didn't wanna bother Nate.

"You sure? You look kinda pale." Nate says, sitting up, so he was on his elbows.

"Uh, my stomach didn't really like the chicken tenders. But I'm sure it's fine." Matt says, glancing towards Nathan, who clearly didn't believe Matt.

"Okay, if you say so." Nate lays back down. "Turn the light off when you're done getting ready."

"Yeah, I gotcha." Matt says, turning the overhead light off and turning his small lamp on.

Matt struggles to fall asleep at first, but when he does, he stays asleep... for about 3 hours.

Matt woke up to his stomach screaming in pain, and unfortunately, he also had a familiar feeling in his throat.

He burped wetly before swinging his legs off the bed and running into the bathroom.

He just barely made it to the toilet before puking all of his dinner up.

Matt must've been making a lot of noise because Nate is a very heavy sleeper, and he woke up to find a fragile boy, squeezing the toilet like it was the last water bottle on earth.

"Holy shit, Matt, what happened?"

Nate rushes over to Matt, attempting to comfort the crying teen.

Matt tries to speak, but his breaths are quick, and he's unable to get any words out. His weak attempts to communicate are interrupted by broken sobs and harsh gags.

"Okay, okay. Relax. Take a deep breath." Nate says, trying not to panic. He had no idea what to do. He's never seen Matt like that before.

Matt takes several shaky breaths before trying to speak again.

"N-nick." Matt managed to squeak out.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go get him. Hang tight, bud." Nate rushes out the room, leaving Matt alone, struggling to breathe.

Matt continues to take quick breaths, but nothing seems to help.

He panics as he can no longer get air or see. He gags again, swallowing thickly.

His vision becomes starry, and he begins to see black dots.

Nate runs up the stairs to Nick's room, trying to be as quiet and efficient as possible.

He opens the door, careful not to step on Maddie, who's sleeping on the floor.

He goes up to Nick and softy shakes him,trying not to scare him.

"Yo, Nick." Nate says barely above a whisper.


"Nick, it's kinda important..." Nate says a bit louder, shaking him harder.

"Hm. What... Nathan?" Nick says drowsily.

"Get up. Matt threw up." Nate says, rubbing Nick's shoulder.

Nick's eyes widened and quickly got up, following Nate.

When they got to the bathroom, both jaws dropped at the sight.

There he was, an unconscious Matt, covered in his own throw up.

There was throw up everywhere, on the toilet, IN the toilet, on the floor around him, and on Matt himself.

Nick rushed over to his brother, trying hard not to gag at the smell.

"Hey, hey, Matt?" Nick says, shaking his younger brother. Matt's back and forehead were hot and drenched in sweat.

His eyes fluttered but didn't open.

"Nathan, go get me a wet towel and a cup of water." Nick says, turning to his friend.

Nate nods and rushes off.

Nick sighs mentally, lifting Matt's head so that it's on his lap.

Matt's eyes had dry tear marks in the corner of his eyes, showing that he'd been crying.

Nate walks in with the wet towel and the cup of water. Nick takes the towel and puts it on Matt's head.

His face instantly relaxes against the coolness of the towel. Nick smiles, surprised that it worked.

He runs his hands through Matt's wet hair, hoping it'll help him wake up.

After about 5 minutes of dipping Matt's fingers in cold water and rubbing his hair, he finally wakes up, immediately sitting up to throw up some more.

Broken and quick sobs escape Matt's mouth, making him gag again.

"Shhh, shhh, you're okay, bub." Nick says, rubbing his back, attempting to comfort him.

It doesn't work, Matt shakily breathing, sobs pouring out of his mouth.

"Matt, you gotta calm down. Follow my breathing." Nick put Matt's hand on his chest.

Matt nods, taking deep, unsteady breaths until he calms down.

He collapses in his older brothers arms, losing his battle with sleep.

"Hey, let's get you out of these clothes." Nick says, lifting his brothers head.

He looks at Nate, who's been watching the whole time, for help. Nate nods and tiptoes through the maze of vomit to help Nick.

The two boys help Matt up and change him out of his clothes, lying him down.

Matt didn't wake up once, obviously exhausted from the events.

Nate cleans up the bathroom, trying to feel helpful, while Nick gets a bucket and medicine his brother.

The rest of the night was consistent for Nick comforting Matt and Nate emptying the bucket.

None of the boys got sleep that night, so the next day, when everyone left for golfing, they stayed behind and slept.

Matt felt better later that night, no longer hating his life.


This one didn't take long, but I did stop a bunch to brainstorming.

Hope you enjoyed it. The next one is either gonna be really sad or really fluffy, so just a warning for the next chapter.

Love, Syd

(1111 words)

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