Matt - Panic Attack

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Not a request

Tw: Panic Attack(duh)


Matt was already having a rough day. He woke up with a headache, putting him in an awful mood. So when he dropped his phone and it shattered, he was less than pleased to get a new one.

It got worse when he got to the store because he didn't get applecare for his phone, and he had to pay $300 out of pocket.

But it didn't stop there. By the time he left the store, it was lunchtime, so he was stuck in traffic.

Traffic always made him anxious, for no reason at all. Maybe it was the fact that he was stationary in a vehicle that was supposed to be moving, or maybe it was the mass number of other giant metal cars surrounding him, also not moving. Who knows? He just didn't enjoy it.

Matt planned on stopping for food, but after almost breaking down in the car, he just wanted to go home. It was only around 2, so he had plenty of time to eat before they had to start filming.

Or so he thought. He got home and put some food in the microwave. He waited patiently until he heard the anticipated beep from the metal box.

He opened the door excitedly, ready to eat. He grabbed the plate, forgetting that the plates Chris picked were the ones that get really, really hot. He winced and pulled back his hand instinctively, sending his meal crashing onto the tile floor.

"OW! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" Matt cries in pain.

Mac N Cheese, mash potatoes, steak, and the broken plate, piled on top of each other, lay on the ground.

That was Matt's last straw. He stared at his food on the floor and just broke down in tears.

His legs became weak as he slowly lowered himself down to the floor, making sure he didn't sit on any stray shards.

His heart pounded in his chest, sweat starting to bead on his forehead. Why'd it get so hot?

Matt's ears rang so loud he gripped them with his hands, squeezing them as hard as he could, attempting to quiet the ringing.

Sobs escaped his mouth loudly, his breaths coming out more like a wheeze. He couldn't breathe. His eyes were sealed shut as he continued to squeeze his ears.

He tried to think of things to calm himself down, but he couldn't think the ringing was just too loud, overwhelming him. Matt rocked back and forth, begging for his brothers to notice him.

And they did. Matt just didn't know. Nick had been there after the plate fell, hearing it from his room.

Nick was talking to Matt. Matt just couldn't hear him.

Nick didn't want to touch him. He knows sometimes it can be overwhelming, but his brother was going to pass out if he didn't do something.

He squatted down next to a fragile Matt, who was still rocking back and forth, grip still tight on his ears.

"Matthew. I need you to calm down." Nick says, gently tapping Matt's shoulder.

Matt didn't respond, still bawling.

"Matt? Matt, can you hear me, sweetie?" Nick tries again.


At this point, Nick didn't care if the touching was too much. He grabbed Matt's arm, pulling Matt's hand from his ear. He put Matt's hand on his own chest, ignoring Matt's attempts to put his hand back around his poor ears, red with a meager amount of blood on it.

"I-I-I-I can't... I can't. It's too much." Matt whispered to himself.

"I know. I know. You gotta follow my breathing, Matty." Nick says softly.

Matt continues whispering to himself through labored breathing and broken sobs.

"Matt." Nick put his hands on Matt's face, forcing eye contact. "You gotta help me help you. Do you understand? You're going to make this worse for yourself, honey. I can't help if you don't listen."

Matt lethargically nods, tears falling harshly down his face.

Nick nods back. He puts Matt's hand back on his chest. "Take a deep breath. In.... and out.... yes, good job, babe, you're doing so good. out..." Nick couches Matt.

Matt lets out slow, shaky breathes, attempting to control himself.

Eventually, he regains his composure, being able to form sentences.

"Wanna tell me what happened, sweetheart?" Nick says, holding Matt's hands.

Matt nods slightly. "I had a headache, and my phone broke, so I went to get it fixed, but I didn't have any applecare, so I had to buy a new one out of pocket, and then I was driving home and there was traffic." Matt says, starting to work himself up again.

"Shhhh... it's okay. You're okay. Slow down." Nick says, hugging his brother.

"And, I was hungry." Matt says quietly. "So, I made food." He looked over at his mess.

"Oh. I see." Nick says, following Matt's eyes. "It's okay. I can make you more, babes. How about you go sit on the couch while I clean this up." He suggests but mot really.

Matt looks at Nick. "No, I couldn't ask you to clean up my mess. I don't even know my I'm crying. It's so stupid."

Nick shakes his head. "It's not stupid. You had a bad morning, and it happens to the best of us. And you're not asking me to do it. I'm doing it because I want to. Go sit down, I got it." Nick stands up and reaches out his hand.

"You sure?" Matt asks, already knowing the answer. "Thank you, Nicky." Matt lets Nick help him up.

He lays down on the couch and almost instantly falls asleep, while Nick cleans the floor.

He grabs towels and wipes up the drops of blood on Matt's ears. Matt doesn't flinch and sleeps peacefully.

He didn't make Matt any food, but he figured he could when he woke up, which was around 6 pm, so Chris was hungry too.

Nick subtlely let Chris know what happened and told him to lay off the jokes.

Chris agreed, and the boys went to Canes for dinner, able to film a relaxing car video.


This one is short but sweet. Hope yall enjoyed it.

Love, Syd

(1042 words)

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