Soul Contracts

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Alastor's POV

He woke up and got dressed for the day. He was in a bad mood, especially after hearing Y/N was going to leave him behind to go to Heaven. He looked around the hotel and noticed Y/N wasn't here. He was confused and frowned, trying to think for where Y/N could be. Alastor walked to the bar and Husk turned to Alastor while shining a glass.

"Just a whiskey, Husker..."

Husk hands Alastor his whiskey. Husk noticed Alastor was in deep thought and just staring at his drink. Husk tilted his head.

"Somethin' wrong, Al?"

"What isn't wrong, Husker? Y/N is being redeemed into Heaven."

"Don't tell me..."

"Of course I care, Husker! Y/N is the only demon in this Hellhole that makes me feel something! I hate to admit it, but I think I have feelings for Y/N."

Husk chuckled nervously. Alastor knew Husk knew something.

"Husker... What did you do..."

"So here's the thing. Y/N actually came to me about being redeemed into Heaven. She doesn't wanna leave Hell."

Alastor smiled slightly.

"Why is that bad?"

"I told Y/N that if she wanted to stay in Hell, someone would need to own her soul through a soul contract"


"I used Angel as an example, since he's owned by Val"

"I don't think I follow"

"Y/N ran out of the hotel to get her soul owned by Valentino"



Alastor groaned and pulled on his hair. He tried to desperately think of where in Hell's name Y/N could be. He then looked up at Husk.

"Did Y/N say where she was going?"

"Where else do you think Valentino is? Porn Studios obviously!"

"I'm going! I'm going!"

Your POV

Valentino groans and rolls his eyes, getting impatient. Vox is taking his sweet sweet time. Valentino taps his foot impatiently as he started to look a bit pissed. You wanted to ask him something, but he spoke before you.

"I swear, when that TV comes back, I'm gonna shatter his screen to fucking pieces."

You were confused by this. Break his screen? You thought they were in a relationship. You wanted to ask, but he seemed mad. You know what you did though? You asked him anyways.

"Break his screen?"

Valentino stared you down.

"Yes, break his screen, dear."

"Why? I thought you two were lovers"

"What made you think that?"

"Well, I saw you two in a rather... intimate position. I saw you two were gonna kiss and before I walked in I heard you say you were gonna fuck-"

Valentino hushed you by putting a cold finger over your lips before you could finish your sentence.

"If anyone ever asks, shut your mouth. You heard nothing and saw nothing, got it?"

You nodded and he removed his finger from your face. Valentino sighed.

"My relationship with Vox is complicated. Sometimes we love each other and we want each other. Sometimes we want something else from each other. And sometimes he absolutely despise each other. It's none of your concern though."

Loved each other or wanted each other or despised each other. The hell kind of relationship were those two in? It wasn't any of your business anyway. Vox eventually came back with the soul contract which looked like he was carrying a whole ass essay on each and every person in Hell in a very descriptive way. You were not about to do all that

"And what's that?"

"The paperwork, what else would it be?"

Vox seemed annoyed by your presence.

Valentino started reading each paper.

"I, Y/N here by agree to sell my one and only soul to Valentino. By signing this contract I agree to sell my soul and body to the one and only Overlord of Lust and Depravity Valentino upon expiration, into a life of enslavement and torture for all eternity, for the price of shelter and fame."

Enslavement?! Torture?! What did you sign yourself up for? You asked to get your soul owned, not sold to in exchange for enslavement and torture.

"I'm sorry, enslavement and torture?"

Valentino stopped reading and looked down at you.

"Of course not, it's just part of the contract"

Valentino spoke with a wide grin that made you feel unsteady. You definitely didn't trust Valentino, but what choice did you have? It was either this or go to Heaven. You didn't want either, but at least you'd stay in Hell.

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