The Restaurant

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It's been a few weeks since the hotel opened. Alastor has been a lot of help to the hotel. He started to notice you whenever he went out. Everytime he passed by Rosie's Emporium, he noticed you as you worked and sometimes even went inside just to see you, even though you two have never talked.

Hotel's POV

"Alastor, you've been leaving the hotel a lot more than usual, is something wrong?" Charlie asked.

Alastor was in the kitchen making coffee. Alastor tilted his head.

"What do you mean?"

Charlie tries to word what she's gonna say the best way she can.

"Well, you've been going to Rosie's Emporium a lot and I was just wondering what you were doing there."

Alastor poured his coffee into his coffee cup. The coffee cup had 'Smile' on the cup written in a red colored drippy font.

"Mmm, yes I have been going to Rosie's Emporium quite often, hm? I guess I've just been lacking focus, so I go to Rosie's Emporium to clear my mind."

Charlie nods, understanding.

"What do you need to clear your mind from?"

That's when Alastor freezes. He couldn't tell Charlie the real reason why he goes to Rosie's Emporium. His smile stays plastered on his face as he thinks of a lie.

"Oh you know, the Extermination is coming up. Who wouldn't be nervous?"

Charlie nods.

"I guess the Extermination is something to be nervous about."

Alastor grinned in victory as he realizes he successfully fooled Charlie.

"I should get going, my dear."

Charlie tilts her head.

"Already? It's 9 in the morning."

"You know what they say, it's never too early!"

Before Charlie could say anything else, Alastor walked out of the kitchen and headed to the door.

Alastor's POV

"I'm hungry..."

As Alastor looks around, he spots a cannibal restaurant, but he wasn't planning on walking in the restaurant. The server was a lamb demon. Alastor licked his lips. He looked down at his staff and back up to the restaurant. He clenched his mic staff and walked into the restaurant with a wide grin. He tapped on the servants shoulder. Alastor looked at her name tag. Her name tag said Vixen.

"Vixen, is it?" Alastor says as he grins widely, his mind racing with hunger.

"Uhm, yes it is sir." Vixen replies, uncomfortable.

Alastor could tell Vixen was a new demon in Hell since she clearly didn't know who he was. He took this to his advantage.

"I think I saw someone stealing food items in the alley, I think you should check that out." Alastor says, trying to lure the demon into the dark alley.

"Really? Not again..." Vixen walks out from the back of the restaurant and Alastor follows. Vixen looks around with Alastor as they search for someone stealing, even though it's just a trap.

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