12 - Sick Day

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This was requested long ago by @owoito-v707
Thanks for your patience! :3 I take forever to get to requests

That being said I highly suggest people leave their requests on the request chapter if they'd like to see more stuff! It really encourages me to write even if it takes me forever <3

TW - Obviously lots of symptoms of illness will be mentioned; nothing serious beyond the stomach flu/throwing up.

Did you know if there's an illness ravaging the camp, it's, statistically-speaking, an 87% chance Wilson caught it, didn't acknowledge it, and then spread it to everyone else?

Wilson's medical knowledge comes from the fact that he's had probably every single common illness or injury under the Sun. That makes him a suitable doctor for the others, but also a menace when he himself is sick.

Especially with this sore throat he's contracted. You can hear the grating rasp in his voice coupled with a few gross coughs every now and again, and yet, he doesn't treat himself beyond a cup of tea.

He'll lose his voice chattering about his schematics and mumbling to himself, (which Maxwell claims is a blessing) and then immediately he'll come sulking to you for help because now he feels absolutely dreadful. Not only does swallowing hurt, but now he can't even speak?! Horrid.

The good news is, after he's acknowledged he's sick, Wilson is very agreeable. He'll still want to write in his journal and do other busy work, but he'll keep to the tent and let you care for him.

Willow hates getting sick. It rarely ever happens, but when it does she goes from normal to absolutely horrid in a manner of minutes. She's completely down for the count the moment she gets anything.

She's all shivery and sweaty, which of course, would concern any caring partner, but what is even more concerning is how absurdly high her temperature can get when she catches a cold.

It's unbearable to share a tent, let alone a fur roll with the snotty thermal stone next to you. But she will not let go of you or Bernie, and will get fussy when you leave her, almost panicked that you're not coming back.

Granted, you can't stay around her forever, so you can only take quick trips to grab food or ice to cool her off (which she never thought she would be grateful for) and then return to your personal campfire to try and ease the discomfort.

Once she's asleep, she'll heal up fast. But until then, you're stuck petting her greasy hair and being clung to until she does. Not that you would mind.

The strongman rarely gets sick, unsurprisingly, but that doesn't mean he's immune to it! In fact, you'd be surprised how often Wolfgang manages to get migraines in the Constant, especially during Springtime. It's usually because of the pressure.

Still, he tries to brush it off for as long as he can until he feels too dizzy to work the farm or help chop wood, and then he goes to lay down in the dark, quiet tent. You rarely have to worry about him overworking himself while he's unwell, since Wolfgang knows his mind is fragile. No use in making a headache any worse than it needs to be.

Still, he always appreciates help. Even if he's too nauseous to eat anything, just getting him some ice and a blanket is enough to make him feel so much better. Usually he's looking out for everyone else; it's nice for Wolfgang to be the one looked after.

Besides that, he just sleeps. You're welcome to join him for a nap if you also need it; despite being ill, he's still just as cozy as ever, and he would deeply appreciate the company until the migraine wears off.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 31 ⏰

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