3 - Terms of Endearment

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I was going to call this one "petnames" but "terms of endearment" sounded more fitting?? Anyways, this is just a sappy chapter I wrote ages ago. Enjoy <3

- Love
- Darling
- My dear

Wilson really only uses "love" to refer to you, and it's only in private or when you're both relatively alone. Not that he doesn't use love in front of the others; he does, just more so in private.

He's not really one for many pet names, he'd prefer to call you a nickname, something like an inside joke or a shortened version of your name. It's much more personal that way. Though, when he's trying to comfort you or feeling particularly sappy, he calls you "darling".

- Hot stuff
- Snookums
- Sweets

Willow calls you a lot of things, some fine examples being "hot stuff" and "snookums", mostly as jokes. Well, they started out as jokes and now she has slowly started to use them unironically. She thinks they're funny and cute and the firestarter grins madly whenever she uses them.

She's also similar to the scientist in that she tends to use nicknames based off your name more often than your actual name. It's something she does without thought.

- My heart

Wolfgang makes the third person who prefers to call you by a personalized nickname than a pet name, which is pretty much expected because he calls everyone by one. His nicknames aren't too flirty or lovey-dovey, but he delivers them with such a big smile and a warm look in his eyes that it's hard to not feel loved, even if he's calling you short.

But he also likes to call you "my heart" because you take up all the space in his heart. He's a big ol' softie.

- Dear
- Sweetheart
- Darling

She calls everyone "dear", and you're no exception to that. However, what is semi-exclusive to you is the term "darling", and Wickerbottom is always calling you darling if she's not calling you by your name. Whether that be to describe you or to beckon you over to her.

The librarian also calls you a "sweetheart" too, more often than she calls the children sweetheart. She just does so without a second thought, but not as often as dear or darling.


Does "MY UNDERLING" or "FLESHLING" count as endearing terms? Well, that's all you'll likely get from them. WX doesn't get using mushy names to refer to their least-hated organic, so they don't call you what many would call "cute" nicknames. But hey, it's the thought that counts?

They do call you by your name though. Considering the robot calls everyone some variation of fleshling, that's quite the term of endearment.

- Hun
- Honey
- Buddy

Woodie usually just everyone "buddy", and old habits die hard, so you can expect him to call you that. He's like Wilson in the sense that he has his own nickname for you that he uses more often than a petname, similar to how he calls Lucy "Ol' Luce".

However, he calls you "hun" or "honey" sometimes. Mostly when he's flirting playfully with you, and with a big, stupid grin on his face, or when he's comforting you and holding you close.

- Sweetness
- Taube
- Warrior

As cheesy as it could sound from anyone but Wigfrid, she calls you a fellow "warrior", much like she does with many of the other survivors. She mostly bestows titles onto people, but with you she is a little more intimate with how she refers to you. "Sweetness" is heard quite frequently when she is speaking to you.

The actress doesn't use it very often, mostly in moments of vulnerability, she refers to you as "taube", because you bring her peace when she truly needs it.

- ...

Wes... doesn't speak, so you won't ever hear him call you anything. But he does write, and he does refer to you as "my love". These are often in love letters addressed to you, which he heavily enjoys writing when he has free time and isn't being the Constant's punching bag.

- Pal
- Darling
- Sweetheart

...Is "pal" considered a term of endearment? No? Well he uses it quite a bit, so you'll probably get used to being called that, even if it's not exactly endearing.

Maybe if he's feeling affectionate, you'll get a "darling" or "sweetheart" out of him? Though Maxwell also uses those to (lovingly?) bully everyone, including you. He's just a little less snarky when he calls you sweetheart though. It means a lot coming from him.

- Mon coeur
- Chouchou
- Mon bijou

Warly's fondness and familiarity with you shows itself in small ways. For one, his use of titles slowly fades when he refers to you. It's subtle, but it silently tells everyone just how much you mean to the culinarian when he refers to you with just your name. Besides that, he often refers to you very affectionately as "mon chouchou" or "mon bijou" when he speaks to you.

- Hun
- Sweet pea
- Goober

Winona has likely developed her own unique nickname for you, considering that is what she does for nearly everyone she knows. But she's unafraid to switch it up and be a little sweeter with her names for you when the time calls. "Hun" isn't all that uncommon. Or, when she's playfully telling you off for something, she calls you a "goober". Not just any goober, though; her goober.

Imagine That -  Don't Starve x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora