1 - Crushing

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Wilson's version of crushing can be easily confused for just plain courteousness. He is extraordinarily kind to you, but he is already kind to everyone. So it's kind of hard to tell he's into you if you're not observant.

But it's kind of obvious once you realize that he goes to pretty extreme lengths to please you.

"Ah, there you are! You're just in time; I know you complained about your tent leaking when it rained a few days ago, so I've been working on waterproofing the tarps, and I think I got it!" He says eagerly, looking as if he has not slept in those few days he's been working on this passion project.

This is mostly due to the fact that he really doesn't know how to flirt with you besides being so open and readily available to help you.

Oh, and puns. Terrible (but clever) puns.

Willow is known for her vulgarity, so it's no surprise that she makes use of raunchy pickup lines, even if they are mostly jokes (that are not quite jokes but still are jokes at the same time). However, the more her feelings grow... the more genuine side of the arsonist shows through her affectionate-bullying.

"Hey, you're my favourite loser here, you know. Don't forget that." She says, playful with her words yet serious with her tone. A warm hand on your shoulder finds your shoulder and squeezes.

Speaking of affectionate bullying, it increases ten-fold. Willow obviously avoids pushing your buttons; she just enjoys ruffling your feathers.

The woman is willing to part with Bernie when you're really going through it, to give you comfort. That's essentially a confession of love from Willow. Bernie is one of the only true possessions she has ever had.

Being as affable and kind as he is already, it is admittedly a little hard to know at first if he's interested in you or if the strongman is just being friendly, because while he doesn't necessarily hide it, it's not exactly clear. He's a good friend first and foremost.

Wolfgang is always there for you when you're feeling down or are hurt. Even when you're not feeling bad, he is your hype man. You will never go a day without knowing you are tough as nails and appreciated.

"This is bad, yes... But you are strong. Even if fall, will get back up." He pats your shoulder, careful but still firm. "If not, Wolfgang will help!"

There are other tells– Wolfgang does tend to offer to do laborious tasks for you before he does for the others, you can also tell that he's just always around when you need him. He's also generally more physically affectionate; offering pats on the back, and hugs if you're comfortable.

Wickerbottom is similar to Wolfgang,  if Wolfgang was much more subtle with his affection. She was raised to be more demure, but she also doesn't wish to impose herself on you if she isn't sure the feelings are mutual.

Besides this though, Wickerbottom trusts you. You'll find the librarian is overall very patient; she never forgets small details like your favourite food or how you like to prepare your garlands, she's always calling you "Dear" and you're the first person she consults when planning cage expeditions or winter preparations.

"Dear, how do you feel about joining Walter and Webber in the caves? We need to restock our lightbulb supplies, and I trust you to keep them safe."

"Of course! I'll keep an good eye on them." Wickerbottom smiles at your enthusiasm.

"I trust you fully, dear."

Woodie's already a nice, hardworking fellow, so similarly to some of the others, it's almost hard to tell if he's just being friendly or if he's trying to express interest. However though, this is mostly because he is a bit shy.

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