5 - Kisses

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More affection!!! Yay!!! I missed Valentine's Day (when I I finally planned to post these) but hey, it's still relevant!!

Wilson's a fan of the cheek kiss; mostly because it's something quick yet meaningful that he can do when words fail him or if he's too preoccupied for a true kiss of the lips.
Oftentimes he uses them in lieu of words. Whether that's bidding you farewell on a trip to the caves (Come back safe) or after cleaning out any hound bites you get (I'm sorry it hurts), the scientist always means something by it.
That, and Wilson just loves kissing you. It's quite addicting, y'know.

The firestarter isn't as mushy as some of her fellow survivors; at least, not in front of everyone. Her kisses are kind of brief and passionate; a quick peck to the lips is her signature, especially when she's passing you by or greeting you.
However, she's not one to really stick to one way she can kiss you. It changes a lot. Though, it should be warned that if she isn't kissing you on the lips, there's a fifty-fifty that she might blow a raspberry onto you, especially your ticklish spots. Because she thinks it's funny. Gets her to laugh, at least.

Call him versatile, Wolfgang is content to kiss you anywhere. Though, he tends to favour forehead kisses, simply due to the fact that he is likely a head or two taller than you. Not that he isn't opposed to picking you up in his mighty arms to kiss you on the lips. It's just a habit that's been developed.
He really will pick you up to kiss you whenever though. He's a little old fashioned in the sense that the strongman thinks it's the best way to show someone you love them.
(You feel his moustache brush your face whenever he does kiss you like that.)

Cheek kisses are the librarian's go to. Although she doesn't give them out too frequently, as it isn't her main love language, she still likes to provide you with the occasional peck on the cheek whenever you're looking glum or she's feeling particularly playful. She finds that she loves receiving them too; Wickerbottom often giggles like a schoolgirl when you plant a couple on her cheek unexpectedly.
She also is the queen of kissing wounds better. It's not practical for your wound, but if it eases your mind, she's glad to make you feel better.

WX-78 lacks the lips needed to kiss. Nor do they really enjoy being kissed anywhere on their metal body. The sensation is weird, it leaves stains and they doubt that kissing metal is anywhere near comfortable for organics. They'll tolerate it, every once it a while, but it's not their thing.
There's other ways to show affection, though. Just the fact that WX-78 even let you try to kiss their face to experiment with the sensation is enough to show that they do harbour something for you.

As shy as he is, Woodie prefers to keep any of the heavy displays of affection behind closed tents. There's nothing wrong with it, but the attention he gets from other survivors seeing you two be affectionate flusters him a lot. However, he's never going to stop you from covering him in kisses. He loves it, it just flusters him greatly.
He's always found that kissing you on your cheek or nose was nice. Woodie's beard hair often scratches your cheeks or lips, which equally amuses him and worries him. Beard rash is a thing.

Wigfrid's personality is... quite extreme at times. She's naturally pretty extreme with her affection too, and quite shameless. She has no qualms with passionately planting the most emotional kiss onto your lips after battle or romantically kissing your hand while lavishing you with praise. But she can be demure when she wants to. The actress just never wants you to doubt that she loves you, and what better way to do that than cover you in kisses when she can? There is no shame she holds in loving you. Willow teases you for that often.

As passionate as this hopeless romantic of a man is, Wes doesn't really have a preference. He will kiss you everywhere, any time that it's convenient. This is especially evident to other survivors, because you're often covered in black lipstick. Everywhere from your palms, to your nose, to your shoulders.
Wes also doesn't mind having this done to him either. He tends to smile with pride whenever he is graced with your kisses, or, gain the biggest, most lovesick grin known to man.

This grumpy beanstalk of a man is very demure with his affection, especially in front of a crowd. He was raised in Victorian England, and thus Maxwell finds it a little invasive to have others watch as he kisses you. So, like he gentleman he is, he prefers to give you polite hand kisses. Maybe, if he's particularly devilish that day, he'll kiss up your arm to your cheek, but that's a usually private matter. He will malfunction if you're the one to kiss his hand or cheek, though. It's one of the few things that break his act of a broody, mean magician.

Maybe it's from his time in Paris, but Warly is a romantic. A swift kiss to the cheek is a common greeting and farewell from Warly; nearly every time he sees you, that's what he does, and with emotion, too. But sometimes, mostly when you're alone or he's feeling silly, he'll plant a little kiss on your neck. Just because it's typically a ticklish spot and the culinarian loves your laugh.
Any affection you show Warly is always welcomed and kisses are probably one of his favourites. Whether it's for thanking him for a good meal or just because, he adores getting to kiss you. Even if it does fluster him greatly when you shower him in kisses in front of the others. He'll live.

Being as hardworking as she is, Winona's not really a kisser only when she's working on something, particularly with electricity or other potentially hazardous stuff. Otherwise, she is a ball of affection. Her kisses can range from pecks on the lips and nose when saying goodbye or thanking you for something, to aggressively cute, mashing her lips onto a part of your face. She's not picky with how she or where she kisses you, especially if she's in a rather goofy mood.
Winona can definitely take what she dishes out. She'll happily laugh into your kisses and give what you gave, twice as much. Being able to express her love so freely is a silver lining of the Constant, and why wouldn't she want to take advantage of that?

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