"You have no idea." Angara whipped the reins with the rhino following behind Takhan's.

The rhinos trotted through the tall grass with ease under the light of Kazima's two full moons. The Ke'Kuvon didn't seem to have an issue seeing in the dark whether it was because of their helmets or some natural night vision; it was unknown to Azula who remained silent behind Angara, however she could feel the stair of Charn behind his visor bearing into her as he sat facing backwards, rifle in hand.

"Before you ask, no I am not a deformed Pendaren or a half breed."

"Then what are you? A subspecies?"

"Leave her alone Charn." Angara interrupted, "This one's got a mouth and I'd rather not hear it right now."

"How do we know she's not some imperial spy in disguise trying to give our location away to the empire?"

"She bleeds red like us. No amount of fancy imperial tech can hide a Pendaren's blue blood, besides if she was one she's a terrible one."

Charn grumbled, "I still don't like it. What about you Tekhan? You can't be okay with bringing an outsider to the camp, especially after what she did to Tyto?"

"I trust Angara's judgment. If she believes it's alright then I'm fine with it. So long as our guest doesn't wander or cause trouble." He looked over his shoulder to Angara.

Angara rolled her eyes, "Don't worry I'm keeping the pup on a leash and if she causes trouble I'll smack her around a little bit."

Azula gritted her teeth, "Stop calling me that."

Charn giggled, "So is she like your pet or something?"

"I am nobody's pet!"

Angara laughed at her mockery, "No she's just some new recruit that tried to punch above her weight, and lost. To me."

Azula scoffed, rolling her eyes at the huntress's smug comment, "I could burn you right now you know." She threatened through gritted teeth.

"Do that and they gun you down and leave your corpse for the laugh cats." Angara threatened back.

Azula groaned in frustration as she settled for a more comfortable position. She had always been the aggressor to teasing and name calling but has never been on the receiving end of such retorts. She was in no position to bite back with comments of her own and could only bear with it, a part of her wondered if this helplessness she felt from it is what Zuko felt in her many years of verbally torturing him.

For now she would just remain silent and ignore any comments made her way and thankfully none where as the majority of the trip was spent with Angara chatting with Charn and occasionally Tekhan would join in until they finally reached their destination.

Just beneath a hill they saw the camp, a large collection of tents, vehicles and what looked to Azula like portable homes. Bonfires lit various spots of the camp with several hundred Ke'Kuvon going about their business, several beetle shaped ships like Angara's could be seen parked outside the encampment with a few larger vessels that resemble dragonflies alongside them. When Azula was told of a camp she pictured a small group of tents but the number she saw made it seem as though this camp was a small town.

"Finally, home sweet home." Angara announced as she directed her rhino down the hill not even bothering to wait for the others.

"Quite a large encampment for one tribe." Azula commented.

"Not one. This camp is made up of members from fifteen different tribes. Or...what's left of them."

As the rhino trotted down hill Azula could see a series of large bulky dog like creatures with leathery tan and black skin, muscular limbs, and angular reptilian faces chained down surrounding the camp. Several of the creatures looked up at her and growled menacingly.

Azula Amongst the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now