Chapter 30

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King Chittsawangdee and Drake reached the hospital and went to the cabin where Ohm was admitted.

"Prom," the King approached his nephew.

"Uncle, please sit here." Prom stood up from the chair beside Ohm's hospital bed.

"The doctor said the injuries are minor." Prom informed them.

"But Ohm is still unconscious..."

"The doctor told he will wake anytime soon." Prom told.

"Prom, where did you find him? How did he meet the accident?" Ohm's father asked.

"Ohm called me in the afternoon. He wanted to meet up at the race track suddenly and told me he was on the way on Toothless. Even before I could ask him something else he hung up the call. I reached the track before Ohm and was waiting for him there when I heard that an accident happened on the road near the track. I went there as early as possible and saw it was Ohm. I immediately brought him here. And as you know already I informed Perth to inform you all." Prom narrated.

"But he had a date with-"

"Na..Nanon..." Ohm uttered but his eyes were still closed.

"Oh! look uncle, he is waking up." Prom got excited seeing his brother waking up.

"Ohm, my son, please open your eyes, talk to your dad..." Ohm's dad was tearing up.

"Your highness, please give him some time. Meanwhile I think we should call the doctor." Drake suggested.

Gradually Ohm opened his eyes and saw his father, best friend and cousin.

"How are you my son? What happened to you? How did the accident happen?" Ohm's father asked at a stretch.

"Dad.. I am.. fine." Ohm managed to say.

"How did-"

"I think toothless skid-"

"Why are you not wearing a helmet? You are never so careless."

Ohm recalled what happened and what made him left his house in so hurry and it hurt him again.

"My head hurts." He got a few stitches on his head.

"No need to pressure yourself. Take rest. Let me inform your mom, Love and Nanon. They have been worrying about you."

Ohm sighed.

Meanwhile the doctor came and explained the head injury was minor and there were a few cuts on Ohm's body but none of them were deep. He advised Ohm not to ride bikes at least for a month and it would be better if he didn't drive as well.

"Ohm, are you out of your mind? You were riding a bike without wearing a helmet and you were even going to participate in the race without any protection!! Did you plan to kill yourself?" Till now Drake was controling himself in front of the King but in the absence of him he yelled at his best friend.

"I guess I didn't." Ohm forced a laugh which made Drake angrier than before.

"Ohm you-" he stopped as the King returned while talking with his wife on a video call.

"Son, talk to your mother." He handed over the phone to Ohm but due to the pain in his elbow Prom hold it in front of him.

"Ohm honey..." His mother was crying.

"I am alright mom, the injuries are not at all serious." He tried to comfort his mother who could clearly see the pain in his son's eyes.

"You got stitches Hia!" Love spoke behind her mother.

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