Chapter 7

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Both the royal families were waiting for the couple at the breakfast table. As soon as they came there everyone greeted them and they greeted them back.

Breakfast was served, and all of them started eating. Nanon's face lit up seeing the churros served with hot chocolate. He was too shy to ask it to be served on his plate.

"Could you serve the churros?" Ohm spoke gaining everyone's attention, especially of Nanon who looked at him. Ohm smiled at him as if saying "I got you."

"But you don't like desserts much-" Princess Grace said.

"P'Ohm doesn't like desserts? What a contrast! P'Nanon practically lives on it." Princess Film remarked.

"That makes sense." Prince Flute said looking at his wife, Grace.

"If we love someone we need to love the things they love." Princess Tu said looking at the newly married couple, then at her fiancé who approved her words with a smile.

"No wonder that P'Nanon loves sweet. He is no less sweet than desserts, is he phi?" Love asked Ohm who glared at her.

"Can we have breakfast peacefully?" Ohm's father's words changed the expression on everyone's face.

"Nanon," the King of the Chittsawangdee empire called out. Sensing Nanon tensing up Ohm gently squeezed his hand under the table.

He continued, "We need to eat protein and stuff to be healthy. Try the other dishes too. We have efficient cooks here. And, please tell your mom what are your preferences. She is the queen but a mother as well. Angela takes care of every need of our children and mine, especially the food. She can't digest her food if her children are not fed well. I love her more for that. She has made this beautiful family with her love and care. She is the reason why we called this palace our home. So, tell her what you like to eat. She is your mom too, son. Tell your mom about your favourite dishes so we can have them in our daily courses of the meal and you can eat well. You are as important as Ohm, Grace, and Love for us. We want you to have good health. For now, enjoy your dessert but you have to have a proper meal with us at lunch."

"I will Your High-
I mean dad." Nanon went along with him.

"Don't you worry honey, we will have all of Nanon's favourites for lunch today." Ohm's mom assured his dad.
"Nanon dear, let me know about your likes and dislikes after breakfast okay? And if you are allergic to anything don't forget to tell me that." Mom Angela told Nanon on a smile on her face.

"Yes, mom." He replied.

The churros were served on Nanon's plate. He mumbled a "thank you" just for Ohm to hear who grabbed a churro stick, dipped it into the chocolate, and winked at him before munching it with a smile. Nanon chuckled at the childish action of his husband who is actually older than him.

After breakfast, Nanon did as he was told to.

"I'm going to tell the cooks to learn new dessert recipes for my sweetheart." Empress Angela patted the cheek of her son-in-law.

"That would be too much, mom. I don't want to give anyone trouble-"

"No Nanon, it won't cause any trouble to them. I can even hire a cook who has expertise in making desserts. In that way, their workload won't be increased and someone will get a job because of you. Won't it be great?" Nanon just laughed softly at his excited mother-in-law and agreed with her.

"You're so kind. You're treating my son so well. We consider ourselves very fortunate for that." Nanon's mother thanked Ohm's mother.

"What are you even talking Mrs. Kirdpan? Nanon is family-"

"Exactly you have accepted him in your family so fast and you're loving him like your own child-"

"How could anyone not love Nanon?" Queen Angela put her hand on Nanon's arm. "Just look at him, such a handsome boy with a beautiful soul. I think you're really fortunate not because Nanon got married to Ohm, but because you got Nanon as your son. We're also lucky to have him in our family." These words of Ohm's mother made Nanon's mother speechless. Neither she nor her husband ever thought like that about Nanon.

"And you know who got all the good luck?"
"Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee."Ohm's elder sister Grace answered her own question.

"Of course. Ohm is the luckiest person." Her mother agreed to it.

Nanon stole a glance at Ohm who was looking at him already, nodding to his mother's statement.

Nanon blushed but before Ohm could approach him he was excused with his mother for some personal talk.

"Did you take them?" Nanon's mother asked.

"Take what?"

"Film didn't give you?"

"Oh the medicines-"

"Yeah, did you?"

"Why would I?"

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"What would hurt?"

"Nanon, don't act so naive-"

"Mom, please tell me clearly. I really can't get you."

"Oh! So, you're making me say it for real huh?" Nanon's mother took a deep breath, then spoke again. "Didn't you sleep with Ohm?"

"Yeah, we did-"

"But it didn't hurt you at all? Although I don't know how it actually happens between men Nature told me you will need painkillers after it. Sex between men-"

Nanon was horrified at what his parents expected from him. He couldn't believe that they wanted him to do it on the very first night with a person he had just met that day. He knew he was sent there to satisfy his husband's needs but Ohm didn't want that from him. He who met him just a day ago understood Nanon but why couldn't his parents?

"Between us," Ohm's voice startled both the mother and her son. "It must be kept between just two of us. I beg your pardon Your Highness, but I think this is too private to discuss with someone else. Nanon might be comfortable talking to you about this because after all, you're his mother but honestly, I am not. I don't want anyone to invade our privacy. I know you're worried about your son but Nanon is my husband as well. I'm concerned about him too. I can't hurt him, not even a little. And even if he is hurt I'll take care of him by myself. With due respect, I'm requesting you ma'am not to talk to him about our intimate moments. We both are adults, we can handle everything by ourselves. And one more thing, Nanon was not acting naive. He couldn't imagine you would ask him about that. If he understood he won't entertain this discussion with you, not even with his mother. Both of us respect our privacy and expect others to do the same." Ohm said firmly to his mother-in-law who was stunned.

"Nanon," Nanon looked at Ohm but couldn't keep eye contact with him. He was so embarrassed. He got why Ohm felt uneasy earlier regarding the painkillers. Thinking about that made him more embarrassed because he was too stupid to catch those hints which Love gave him in their bedroom. He made it awkward by asking about the medicines repeatedly. Nanon couldn't lift his eyes from the ground, feeling too awkward to meet his husband's eyes.

"I promised to show you your new home, didn't I? Do you want to go for a walk now?" Ohm asked and Nanon hummed in response. Ohm held Nanon's hand and excused themselves from queen Kirdpan walking out of the dining hall. Nanon walked along with him staring at their interlocked hands.


Dear Readers,

Thanks for reading and voting on previous chapters. This is a little update for you. I hope you like it. Thanks for your encouragement. Love you.

Keep loving OhmNanon ❤️💚💙🧡

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