Chapter 28

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Nanon opened the door to get out of their room where he met Drake.

"Hey nong! I just came to call you for dinner."

"Oh phi, you didn't need to come here by yourself. We're just coming." Nanon told him.

"Um..uh nong.."

"Yes, phi say what do you want to say?"

"Nong it would be good if you have your dinner here, in your room."

"Huh? But why? We're ready-"

"Yeah I can see that. Ohm just forget his tee, right?" Drake chuckled but Nanon blushed.

"" Nanon ran to the cupboard taking the first peice of cloth his hand touched out from the cupboard and threw on Ohm's face.

"Let's go phi, he will come." Nanon looked at Ohm and he nodded his head repeatedly.

"Nong, I think it will be good have dinner here in privacy." Drake told Ohm.

"Yeah, it would be best." Ohm said excitedly to which Nanon gave him a side eye.

"No, I am going-" Drake stopped Nanon.

"Nanon, I don't think you would like to show the freshly made hickey on your neck to people outside. You know maids make gossip on these kinds of topics and-"

"Hic-hickey? On-"

"On your neck" Drake prompted him.

Nanon looked straight at the one who gifted the hickey on his neck. Ohm looked at him inocently. In front of Drake Nanon said nothing but he was well-aware of how innocent his husband is and he was going to teach him a lesson behind the closed door.

"Send the food here, phi." He couldn't meet Drake's eyes. His hands constantly were reaching his neck.

"Yes, Nong. Good night."

"Good night" answered the couple in unison.

No sooner had Drake taken leave the door slammed making Ohm flinched on the bed, still shirtless.

Nanon, stood in front of the large mirror to analyse his neck.

"Oh my! It's here." He exclaimed.

Ohm instantly come to his husband to have look of the hickey made by him.

"Where? Let me have a look?" He was so excited although all his excitement disappeared when Nanon scolded him.

"What to look huh? Look what you did?" He shouted.

Ohm turned Nanon towards him and looked at the hickey attentively.

"It's so special, it's your first hickey, sign of our love." Ohm caressed that place of Nanon's neck.

Nanon realised the meaning of Ohm's words. He understood it's the symbol of the first step they took towards each other.

"It looks beautiful on you." Ohm remarked making Nanon red but not with anger anymore.

His toned softened.
"But phi, how could I hide it? Tomorrow we're going back to home."

"You can wear a turtle neck." He suggested pulling him closer. Ohm liked how Nanon started to consider his house as his own home, their home.

"Do you have one here?" Nanon asked placing his hands on Ohm's shoulder.

"I think."

"Okay, then."

"So, Non, you're worried about other seeing the hickey, not angry on giving you one, huh?" Ohm raised his eyebrows while looking at Nanon.

"Do you think this is the only hickey you left on me?" Nanon's question widened Ohm's eyes.

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