Chapter 12

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Ohm was completely unaware of what was going on in Nanon's head. He was so lost in the hug with Nanon that he forgot about their surroundings.

"Ahem ahem..." Ohm's father cleared his throat to make the couple remember their presence. Nanon tried to pull away from Ohm's embrace but failed as Ohm tightened their hug.

"P'Ohm, let go-" Nanon whispered. Ohm pulled back slowly smiling at him. He observed how Nanon had put on a fake smile in response. Ohm wanted them to be true to each other from the very beginning of their relationship but Nanon hiding his worries behind his smile made him tense.

"Dad, could you please excuse us for a minute? We need to talk, Nanon and I." Ohm asked.

Nanon's father spoke out before King Chittsawangdee could say anything.
"I think it's not the right time to be alone. It's almost seven, the people are waiting for you to blow the lanterns off. You shouldn't mix up your duties and personal affairs. For a king, duty should be your priority Prince Pawat."

"I know my duty well, Sir. I-"

"P'Ohm, let's talk later." Nanon could feel his father's glowering gaze at him.

"Your Highness, as I have the duty to my people, so do I have to my husband. I can't celebrate our marriage knowing that something is bothering Nanon. It's our marriage, Sir. We both are in this together. We are blessed to have the love of our people but they can't be my priority when it comes to our relationship. I can’t think like a king and I shouldn't think like one regarding this matter. Nanon is my priority for now and forever. I can't function if my Nanon is under stress. And I think you're the only one who can understand this because you are his father. You must have felt the same. For you, Nanon has come first, till date I assume. From now on Nanon comes first for me over anything. Every father wants their child to have a partner who will take care of them as he has done his entire life. I'm trying to be the one for your son, sir."

King Kirdpan lowered his head for a reason which was only understood by his family members. Ohm's mother was proud of his son. And last but not least Nanon, he was overwhelmed by the emotions he was feeling.

"We should let the kids talk for a while. We have more than ten minutes left." Ohm's mother suggested to which her husband agreed.

"Thanks, mom, dad. We will be back soon, sir. We value our people as well." Ohm said and dragged Nanon with him to the nearest room for a moment of privacy.

"What is bothering you?" Ohm asked immediately after they entered the room.

"Nothing, let's go outside." Nanon stepped towards the door but was held back by his husband.

"We're not going anywhere until you tell me."

"It's not important for now-"

"It is. Everything related to you is the most important thing to me. For now and always."

"Phi, they are waiting for us. Would we talk about it later?"

"I won’t."


"I couldn't be the right partner for you as I promised to be to your father."

"P'Ohm. No one can treat me better than you. The way you pay attention to every little thing related to me says that you're the rightest person for me."

Ohm took Nanon's hands in his and kissed them gently. "Then tell me honestly, what is in your mind?"


"Yes, baby,"

"What am I to you?"

"You, you're my love, my happiness, my present, my future, my everything Nanon."

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