Chapter 9

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An hour later Ohm and Nanon found themselves in the most beautiful part of the palace. It's Ohm's favourite place, the garden. It was that time of year when the roses were in bloom. Ohm plucked one and tucked it behind Nanon's ear. Nanon blushed, and Ohm thought it was so cute he leaned closer to kiss Nanon on his lips. But he stopped as Nanon squeezed his eyes shut. Ohm cradled Nanon's face between his hands, Nanon felt the warmth of Ohm's soft lips on his forehead.

Nanon opened his eyes and met Ohm's. He was stroking a hand down his red cheek, a big smile on his face.

"Hey, relax.
Did I make you feel uncomfortable?" Ohm asked to hope for a negative response.

"No, it's just... new for me..." Nanon replied.

"New?! Oh yeah, we just-"

"I...I didn't ever-"

"You... you have never kissed anyone, in your 21 years of life?" Ohm was glad yet shocked.

"Never..." Nanon mumbled. "Is it bad?"

"No baby, not at all. Why would it be bad?" Ohm was amazed by the thought of no one ever kissing those pretty lips of Nanon. That meant their wedding kiss was Nanon's first one.

"You are looking shocked. Something must be wrong. Did it upset you phi that I am not experienced?"

"Nanon, I'm not shocked baby, I am just surprised-"

"Because I haven't kissed anyone in my entire life of 21 years. Didn't you find it weird? You did, right?"

"No, I didn't. I'm surprised because I'm the first person to kiss those beautiful lips of yours. I should rather say I'm blessed."

Nanon got what Ohm was saying but couldn't able to utter a word. What a strange feeling this is!

"You never kissed anyone?"


"But you're so pretty..." Nanon looked up at Ohm. "...and handsome too."

Nanon's face was turning pink.

"Then how come your lovers resist kissing you?" Ohm asked without thinking because he was well aware of that struggle.

"My lovers?" Nanon gave him a questioning look.

"Don't you have a lover? Or didn't you ever have one? In the past?"

Nanon negatively shook his head.

"Not a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" Not even a crush?"

"No. Actually, in the royal household, I didn’t get much chance to meet a lot of people out of my family and the royal acquaintances..."

"And none of them ever interested you..."

"No, I guess."

"Didn't anyone approach you? I mean one has to be blind not to find you attractive-"

"Some of P'bright's friends asked me out and P'Tu's cousin and a daughter of mom's friend. And Film's best friend also wanted to date me.

"And you refused them...because they were girls...?"

"P'Bright doesn't have any friend who is a girl."

"You mean those who wanted to date you were both girls and boys."

"Yeah, they were nice but not in the way to date them."

"If you haven't dated any girl or boy how do you know if you're interested in boys or girls or both?"

"I don't know..."

"Are you kidding me, Nanon? You're married to a man, me. And you don't know whom you like boys or girls? You have to spend your life with me. How would you be happy if you don't find me interesting?"

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