Chapter 3

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Nanon woke up earlier the next morning because of the hustle and bustle around him. Queen Kirdpan, her daughter, and her would be daughter-in-law were engaged in a deep discussion. There were a few maids to assist them.

"Oh, you are awake, Nanon! Did you sleep well, honey?" His mother asked.

"Good morning, Nong Nanon." Princess Tontawan said.

"We don't have much time. Just get out of your bed, phi." Princess Film snatched his brother's blanket.

"Yeah, mom. I slept well."
"Good morning, phi Tu."
"And Film, this is not my bed." Nanon replied one by one.

"Whatever, get up now. And be a more polite phi. We're here to help you." Film huffed.

"Who asked for your help? I didn't." Nanon stood up from the bed.

"Nanon, it's not time to get annoyed because of your sister, though she is right. We're here to help you dress up."

"What for? I didn't know that I needed to be dolled up all the time to save our kingdom, mom." Nanon's sarcastical remark pissed his mother off.

"Nanooon!!" She raised her voice.

"Nong, the Chittsawangdees have arranged a lunch for both of the families. They want to know you, want you to know them. You must dress properly as you understand it's going to be a formal meeting." Prince Bright's fiancé explained to Nanon.

"The Chittsawangdees? But I was told that we couldn't meet each other before our marriage." Nanon said.

"All the Chittsawangdees except Prince Pawat will join us for lunch." Film smirked.

Without saying anything, Nanon headed towards the washroom.

"Can't you wait for two days to meet your husband? Are you that impatient, huh?" Film wiggled her eyebrows at her brother.

"Can't you stop talking nonsense for a little?" Nanon slammed the door of the restroom.

Nanon couldn't completely deny what Film said. He was not eager to meet his husband- who's husband, that's what Film said. He hadn't accepted Prince Pawat as his husband, but somewhere in his heart, there was a little desire to see the Chittsawangdee Prince from afar, if possible, to meet him once. Although they had nothing to talk about now, they had eternity to live together. However they should talk, they should talk how they were forced to marry each other, how strange they were feeling, never ever did they imagine their lives would turn out like that. They should meet to know if they like each other. What if they don't - not only the looks but also the personality. But nobody can know a person on their first meeting. So, meeting Prince Pawat won't really change anything. He couldn't stop the marriage after all. Wandering in his thoughts, Nanon suddenly noticed one thing. He didn't think about Prince Pawat for once before that morning. He was against the marriage, and he still was, but something in him had changed, which made him consider the person he was going to tie the knot with.


Nanon and his family went to the wing of the palace by the cars sent by the Chittsawangdee King. He was waiting
there to meet his son in law with his family.

The cars stopped, and Nanon stepped out gracefully without any effort. He gave 'wai' to the King, Queen, and the royals.
(Wai is the traditional greeting of Thailand to show respect)

 (Wai is the traditional greeting of Thailand to show respect)

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