New Year's Eve Troubles

Start from the beginning

"Just get a Lego Set!!" I yell.

"Chill, little dude," Maddox says, picking out a Lego Set.

"Do you want that?" Mom questions and Maddox slowly shakes his head.

I groan, about to open my mouth, but Mom stops me.

"Go wait in the car," She sternly says.

"What? For what?" I question.

"Get," She says, pointing towards the car.

I groan, dropping the Lego Set on the ground before storming out of the store and toward the car. Five minutes passed, and Mom came out, climbing in the car angrily.

"What's with the attitude?"  She questions, and I shrug.

"Well!?" She asks, and I give another shrug.

"I don't know what's up with this attitude today, Pax," She starts.

"But it needs to be fixed before we get home, or you can spend this weekend grounded," She informs me.

"Do you understand?" She questions, and I nod.


"Yes," I mumble.

She hands me the Lego Set, moving to the driver's seat. A minute passes, and everyone's in the car all buckled up. I plug my AirPods in, mindlessly scrolling through TikTok. We get home, and I run upstairs to my bedroom, covering myself with blankets. I hadn't intended to fall asleep, but I did.



"Michael, don't go up there," Ria warns.

"Yeah, let him calm down," I say, unpacking the groceries. 

He groans but nods, heading toward the living room. I finish unpacking the last bag when Ria comes over. 

"What's up with Pax?" Ria questions, putting away the groceries.

"He probably didn't sleep last night. I'll talk to him in a little while," I say, putting the last of the groceries away. 

"And if it's not because of sleep?" She asks, pouring a glass of wine.

"Then he needs to get his attitude checked," I say, stealing her glass.

"You little," She starts to say.

"There are kids in the room," I point out, and she gives me the middle finger.

"Hill, you are not setting a good example for your brothers," I tease before walking upstairs and toward Paxton's room.

I knock a couple of times in case he's changing or sleeping. There's no response, so I open the door, scanning the room before I find him cuddled on the couch. I slowly walk over, hating to wake him, but this talk is more important.

"Pax, Baby, wake up," I softly say, rubbing my hand up and down his back.

"No, g'out," He slurs, turning away.

"Wake up, It's almost Midnight," I say, turning him around.

He groans but stands, stretching before walking downstairs. I guide him to the quiet living room, forcing him to sit. 

"I don't have an attitude," He says before I can open my mouth.

"That right there was attitude," I comment, and he shrugs. 

"Were you tired?"I question, and he shrugs.

"I'm not getting an answer, am I?" I question, and another shrug from him.

"We're watching The Lego Movie," Michael informs us, running out of the room.

"Shall we?" I question, and Paxton nods.

"We shall," He says, taking my hand.

"They're here. Can we start?" I hear Peter ask as we round the corner.

I let go of Paxton's hand, and he ran toward the couch, cuddling into a ball. Throughout the Movie, Paxton kept looking at me. Finally, I had enough and motioned him with my hand. He eagerly rushes toward my lap, his head tucking under my chin. I scratch his neck, and he sighs, resting his head on my chest.

"I'm sorry," Paxton says, lifting his head.

"For what, baby?" I question, kissing him.

"The attitude I gave you today," He says.

"I'm sure it was you not getting enough sleep," I reassure, but he shakes his head.

"I don't think it was, Mama," He looks up at me.

I smile at the name I haven't heard in a long time. He looks at me skeptically. 

"Why're you smiling like that?" He questions.

"You haven't called me that in forever," I tell him, and he nods.

"But back to the talk," I say, and he groans, hiding his face in my neck.

"Even if it wasn't because you were sleepy, you still apologized," I say, removing his head from my neck.

"Right?" I question, and he shrugs.

"Right?" I repeat, tickling up and down his sides.

"Yehehehes," He giggles, arching away.

"Are you sure?" I question, moving to his waist.

"Yehehehes, I prohohohomise," He says, his giggles getting louder.

"Be quiet, Paxton," I say, moving to his belly button.

"I cahahahan't hehehehelp hohohohow tihihihicklish I ahahaham," He says, his giggles now being heard.

I stop tickling him, and he lets out a few residual giggles. He looks at me before his head falls onto my neck.

"I love you, mama. This has been the best New Year's Eve," He says before his eyes close.

"I love you too, but you gotta stay up for the night," I said, shaking him.

He doesn't wake up, and I roll my eyes, focusing on the movie. If he gets mad about missing New Year's Eve, it's on him.


A/N: I didn't think this would be posted today because I've been in bed all day. But then I came in clutch this last hour. I was looking at the first chapter of The Johansson Twins. And there were 126 mistakes found by Grammarly. I'll be fixing all the errors in each chapter. Proofread by Grammarly cuz we love Grammarly.



Word Count: 1294

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