Chapter 66

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"So?" Mom asked and looked at me with a raised eyebrow as soon as we entered the car. She put on her seat belt and looked at me, giving me that mother's look.

"So?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question while I started the car before I placed my seat belt on. "What is with the so, Mom?"

"How do you like Xavier?" she asked and raised an eyebrow higher with a small smirk on her face, and I gave her a weird look, making sure that my cheeks didn't turn as red as I thought they would turn.

"Xavier?" I asked, and she nodded in confirmation. "Why Xavier?" I backed out of my parking spot and started to drive towards the house.

"Because," she said. She nudged my elbow and winked teasingly. "You seemed to have caught his eye."

"Mom!" I exclaimed, shocked and appalled that she brought that up, and my cheeks turned a brighter red. "What the heck?"

Mom laughed and patted my arm, reassuringly. "I'm serious, Cass," she said, her voice soft. "He couldn't get enough of you." She winked again and smiled teasingly.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, my cheeks turning a darker red while she started to laugh and leaned back in her seat. "Please, stop. I mean, he is like fifty. I am not into him like that."

"Hmph," she said and dipped her head closer to her chest while she grew serious. "Now, where are you going?" she asked, changing the subject, and she raised an eyebrow in question.

"Back home," I said and furrowed my brows before I glanced at her, confused. "Why? Where else would I be going?"

"Are you ready to go to the warehouse?" she asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

I nodded and bit back a small sigh of relief, grateful that she was going to allow me to go to my group. "I packed my bag and placed it into the car before we left," I replied. "I have no idea how long we were going to be and didn't want to be late."

"Hmph," Mom said and nodded. She pressed her lips into a thin line, and something flickered through her eye that I couldn't understand.

"Are you ok, Mom?" I asked and gave her a weird look before I started to drive to the warehouse.

Mom nodded again. "I am," she replied coldly, and I raised an eyebrow in question while I looked at her from the corner of her, not amused at her tone.

She pressed her lips into a thin line before she sighed and shook her head, looking slightly defeated. "It's nothing, Dear," she said softly. "You don't have to worry about it."

I rolled my eyes and scowled, unamused. "Mom, I am going to worry about it," I replied. "You seem to be upset about something, and I don't like it."

Again, Mom sighed and shook her head. "You will know in time," she said. She looked at the rearview mirror and pressed her lips into a thin line. "It's not my place to tell."

I bit back an annoyed groan and shook my head. "Then whose?" I asked in frustration. "Who is able to tell me or help me? I don't understand what's going on and why everyone is being so secretive about this."

"Again, you will know in time," she said softly. She cleared her throat before she pressed her lips into a thin line. "I know that you don't like it, but it's unfortunately something that you have to live with."

I pursed my lips in annoyance but didn't say a word while I drove to the warehouse. My grip on the steering wheel grew tight, and I was grateful that the steering wheel could withstand my strength.

Mom sighed and shook her head before she cleared her throat. "Come on, Baby Girl," she said. "Release your grip on the steering wheel, Cass. You don't need to hold it so tight."

I let out an annoyed hiss but did what I was told to do and released my grip on the steering wheel. "You know I don't like this, right?" I asked and looked at her from the corner of my eye.

She bit back a chuckle and nodded while she slowly started to relax. "I know," she said softly before she cleared her throat and grew serious, "but you are able to find information in one way or another." She gave me a pointed look, and I shrugged and grimaced. "Don't bug Charlie with this anyway."

I held back an eye roll but didn't say a word. My whole body was still tense, and my mind was racing, but I knew that she wouldn't tell me, even though I had a small feeling on what this was about.

This was to do with my marks and me being claimed by the Ten without their permission... I pursed my lips in annoyance and bit back an annoyed sigh.

"Now," she said and cleared her throat. "We are not going to be picking you up tonight," she said, changing the subject, and I glanced at her from the corner of my eye before I looked away from her. "Charlie is going to take you home like planned. Remind me to bake him a cake so that you can take it to training tomorrow. Are you going to go early?" She looked at me from the corner of her eye and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," I confirmed and nodded. "All of my homework is done, so I don't have to worry about that or the stupid busy work that Charlie gives me every day." I wrinkled my nose and pursed my lips in annoyance. "Why does he give me so much busy work?" I asked. "I don't like it."

"Well, to keep you busy, of course," she replied in a duh tone, and I gave her an annoyed look. "That is what busy work means," she added with a grin.

"Mo-om," I said and rolled my eyes while I scowled, and she snickered. "I'm not a bad student."

"No, you aren't," she confirmed and nodded. "However, you are good at getting into trouble and dragging people with you until they get into trouble too. Charlie is trying to prevent that, and for the most part, he succeeds."

I rolled my eyes and scowled. "Most of the time when I am being lazy," I said, and my mother chuckled. "So why did you want me to drive to the warehouse?" I asked, changing the subject because we were getting close to the warehouse.

My mother chuckled softly. "Because I didn't want you to walk," she replied, "and I enjoy spending time with you, even though you don't like shopping with me." She mocked pout, and I rolled my eyes and playfully scowled.

"Very funny," I grumbled teasingly. "You know that I like to wear the same clothes or be lazy."

She sighed softly and shook her head. "Grays and blacks aren't the only colors you are allowed to wear, Cass," she said and gave me a pointed look, "no matter how many days you wear it." She gestured to the clothing that I was currently wearing, which was in fact a gray shirt and black pants. "You can't get a man dressed like that."

"I'm pretty sure that I can," I said while I slowly nodded. I cleared my throat and tapped on the steering wheel, my mind straying to Xavier. "I think someone would find me attractive in anything that I wear."

"Hmph," she said and watched while I pulled up to the warehouse. She sighed and shook her head. "I will see you in the morning tomorrow," she said while I parked into a parking spot. "Charlie will be taking you home as planned, ok?"

I nodded in confirmation. "Ok," I said and turned to her. "Thank you for taking me out today. I had fun."

She chuckled and gave me a hug. "I will always take you out somewhere even if you don't want me to," she said. She placed a kiss on my cheek and patted my arm. "Now, go ahead and get out of here. You have food in the back."

I slowly nodded. 'I love you," I said, and she smiled.

"I love you too. Now, be safe, have fun, don't bug Charlie too much, and no kissing boys until you find one with blue eyes and bushy black hair, is that understood?" She wiggled her eyebrows, and my cheeks turned red from embarrassment.


The Reincarnated (Book 2A of Wolfcreek Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon