Chapter 51

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My father pulled into the parking lot of my training facility and stopped at the front door. "So," he said and looked at me after he parked the car. "We will be picking you up at ten," he said. "Behave a-"

My eyes grew wide, and I shook my head when he said that they'd be picking me up at ten when I knew that was when they tried to go to bed. "I can see if Charlie can take me home," I said. "I know that he won't mind it beca-"

"No," my father said, interrupting me. "We will be picking you up at ten." He raised his hand when I opened my mouth to protest. "I know that we normally get to bed during that time, but for you, we will suffer through it." He winked teasingly and smiled, trying but failing to calm my nerves.

I pressed my lips into a thin line and stayed silent. Worry for them filled my body, even though I knew that they were going to be looked after and safe, but I knew it was going to be later than when they normally would stay up til and for seven days a week in a row too unless I couldn't make it for some reason.

My father patted my leg and smiled gently. "We'll be able to work through it, Cass," he said softly. "There is no need to look at us like that. We are not children."

I bit back a smirk and shrugged. "Well, I hope not," I said, sarcastically. "I mean, I am the youngest here."

"And so shall you remain," my father said and nodded. He patted my leg again before he cleared his throat. "Now, go on and get out of the car. We'll see you at ten. Is that understood?" He gave me a pointed look.

I smiled and nodded, knowing full well that he wouldn't change his mind and Mom wouldn't allow him to if he wanted to. "Yes, Sir," I said and grabbed my bag. "I'll see you at ten." I started to get out of the car before I paused and looked at them. "Oh, and if you aren't here by 9:57, then don't bother coming because I'll just have Charlie take me home. I know that he won't mind."

"Are you sure?" my father asked and raised an eyebrow. "What if he does mind?" There was a look in his eyes that said he knew that Charlie wouldn't mind and that he wanted to be a pain in the butt.

"He won't," I promised because I knew that he wouldn't. "He'd rather drive me home than have me walk home in the dark because some creeper could try to kidnap me." I rolled my eyes and scowled. "I'd be too hard to kidnap anyway."

My father chuckled and nodded. "I know," he said. He cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes while he grew serious. "Now, behave yourself and don't start any fights unless you can finish them. Is that understood?"

"Hal!" my mother gasped while I grinned and nodded. She playfully smacked him, and he winced and whined mockingly. "Be nice."

"Ow, Woman," he said and clutched his arm. He moved away from her and grimaced. "This is why our daughter has issues smacking people around. It's because you smack me around, and she is following your lead."

She smacked him in response before she turned to look at me. "I love you, Dear," she said, and I smiled at her. "Behave yourself and don't get into too much trouble. Ok?"

"I love you too, and I will try to be nice, but I make no promises," I said and opened the car door before I got out with a small wink, and they chuckled. "I'll see you at ten."

And with that, I closed the door and walked to the building, anticipating what was to happen this evening and how I'd fit into a group that Cassandra had been in when she was my age and younger.

Goddess, please let me make them proud, I prayed silently while I clutched my bag tighter in my hands. Please.


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