Chapter 48

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Chewie stayed silent for a bit before he rubbed his face and sighed. "Dov'è Xav? (Where is Xav?)" he asked. "È nelle vicinanze? (Is he nearby?)"

I shrugged because I didn't know where he was, but I knew that he wasn't there nor close.

If he was, then I would've felt him.

"Non lo so, (I don't know,)" I replied, honestly. "Non so dove sia. (I don't know where he is at.)"

"Hmmmm." He pressed his lips into a thin line, and I could tell that he was annoyed.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes while I looked at him, showing him how dissatisfied I was about the question. "Non farò niente di stupido se è questo che ti preoccupa, (I am not going to do anything stupid if that is what you are worried about,)" I scolded. "Sto bene. (I am fine.)"

Chewie scoffed and rolled his eyes. "No, non lo sei, (No, you aren't,)" he said. "Non stai bene. (You are not fine.)"

I shrugged and grimaced. "Ma lo sarò, (But I will be,)" I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "Non ho bisogno di un'altra babysitter, (I don't need another babysitter,)" I added, implying about the tree people that were there, watching me with each breath.

"Hmph." He paused and studied me. "Quanti? (How many?)" he asked.

"Cinque, (Five,)" was my response.

"Gli stessi? (Same ones?)" he asked, wondering if they were the same as the ones that I had before.

"Sí, (Yes,)" I replied. "Loro sono. (They are.)"

Chewie hummed and nodded. "Si scambiano con qualcun altro? (Do they swap out with anyone else?)" he asked, and I knew that he wanted to know if they swapped out with those that weren't part of a group that I once belonged to.

"No," I replied. "Sono solo loro. (It's just them.)"

Chewie sighed and cleared his throat while he moved a hand across his face. "Cosa è successo questo pomeriggio? (What happened this afternoon?)" he asked, and I knew that he was talking about the conversation that we had this afternoon and the look he caught when we were talking about the principal and vice principal.

"Non qui, (Not here,)" I replied instantly while I looked at him. "Più tardi, quando sono a casa. (Later, when I am home.)" And away from prying ears... I added silently, knowing full well that Chewie would know what I meant.

Chrwie frowned and studied me before he slowly nodded. The look on his face told me that he wouldn't forget and that he would call me later, and I rolled my eyes and scowled.

I was about to say something nasty to him but was interrupted by something moving through a bush.

A wave of relief washed over me, and this bond between me and Xav strengthened and grew closer together while he made his way to me from somewhere close by, and I bit my lip in relief.

"Che cos 'era questo? (What was that?)" Chewie asked, and I could see a look of worry and fear appear on his face before he was able to control himself, and I held back an eye roll. "Chi è la? (Who is there?)"

I didn't respond and closed my eyes. I took a deep, shuddering breath and released it, waiting for Xav to appear, even though I had a feeling he wouldn't because I was on the phone with someone else, especially a male.

"Cassidy," Chewie warned, and I held back an eye roll. "Chi è? Perché non reagisci? (Who is it? Why aren't you reacting?)"

Why aren't you reacting to this as you would normally react? Why aren't you threatening them to come out?

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